24 Shocking Advantages of Listening to Music « $60 Miracle Maker Flus

24 Shocking Advantages of Listening to Music

Posted On Mar 6, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on 24 Shocking Advantages of Listening to Music

There’s no denying that music profoundly affects us, from the nostalgia that playing an old song brings to the way a sad song can make you well up and shed a tear or two. If you’ve ever worked out and pushed past your personal best thanks to a rocking playlist, you know just how impactful listening to music can be.

Whether you’re a devoted Swiftie or prefer the grunge rock anthems of Nirvana, music is a universal way you can connect with others and your own emotions. Not only is music fun and entertaining, but it also has some surprising benefits for us, both mental and physical. These surprising benefits of listening to music will inspire you to upgrade your playlists.

1. It Sparks Creativity

Woman with easel painting a picture on canvas outside, outdoors, headphones, music, relaxation, creativity, art
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Sometimes, all you need is a bit of music to get into the creative groove again. According to one study, listening to happy music can improve your creativity. Participants who listened to upbeat music while performing a divergent creativity task were more creative than those who performed it in silence.

2. It Can Help With Speech

Woman wearing headphones listening to music and singing
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Knowing the lyrics to your favorite song can be more than just a fun pastime. Singing lyrics may help those recovering from a stroke or brain injury that damaged their speech ability. By singing lyrics, people can learn to first sing their thoughts and then gradually move on to speaking them.

3. It Helps Improve Performance

Girl educating herself on financial planning services and options
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The next time you’re in a high-pressure situation, like studying for finals, try putting on your favorite playlist. Rather than folding under pressure, music will help you relax, focus, and achieve under pressure.

4. It Can Improve Memory

Elderly man wearing headphones listening to music on cell phone
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Did you know that certain songs can trigger memories? Doctors commonly use music to help patients remember and access their lost memories. When growing up, the music we listen to has more of an impactful effect on us than when we listen to music as adults. This is especially helpful to patients with Alzheimer’s or dementia.

5. It Boosts Happiness

Woman wearing headphones listening to music while sitting in chair
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

If you’re feeling down, a daily dose of music might be just what you need. One study found that listening to music releases dopamine in the brain, while another revealed that music with an upbeat tune can lead to increased energy and positive emotions.

6. It Stimulates the Brain

Older man wearing headphones listening to music
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Keeping your brain active and stimulated is essential to aging healthily. Music can stimulate new connections in the brain and improve cognitive function. It has the power to activate most of our brain’s connections, which can help keep those connections strong.

7. It May Reduce Stress

Young woman wearing headphones listening to music
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If you’ve ever felt stressed out after a long, overwhelming day, putting on a pair of headphones could be the key to clearing your mind. Listening to music is beneficial in helping to reduce stress, just like how a good meditation session calms the mind. Create a calming playlist you can listen to as a strategy to manage stress and feelings of overwhelm.

8. It Helps the Brain Age Well

Middle aged man wearing headphones listening to music riding bus
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Since music has the ability to strengthen the networks in our brains, boost dopamine production, and improve memory, it keeps our brains engaged and young. Listening to music is a workout for the brain and will help your brain age well in the future.

9. It Helps Manage Pain

Sad woman wearing headphones listening to music
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Music isn’t just a source of entertainment. It’s a tool we can lean on when we’re feeling down or in pain, both mentally and physically. Research found that music therapy helped patients manage their pain and reduce pain and anxiety during painful procedures.

10. It Can Regulate Your Mood

Happy woman wearing headphones listening to music
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Listening to music has been shown to reduce stress and boost dopamine levels, which can, in turn, work to regulate your mood. Add some upbeat or classical music to your playlists to balance your emotions and moods.

11. It Improves Workouts

Man wearing headphones listening to music while working out, exercise
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Have you ever found it easier to crush your workout goals when listening to an upbeat playlist? It turns out that listening to music while you exercise can increase your level of motivation and effort and make you run that extra mile when you’re ready to give up.

12. It Helps You Fall Asleep

Elderly man wearing headphones listening to music on smartphone, relax, relaxation
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

It’s common practice to soothe babies and children with lullabies before bed, and older adults can also benefit from a similar practice. Adults aged 60-83 who listened to sedative music before bed experienced longer and better quality sleep. Add some music to your nightly routine to boost your sleep.

13. It Reduces Depression

Depressed, sad, crying, upset, woman wearing headphones listening to music on smartphone
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Music is a powerful tool that helps heal the mind in more ways than one. Research has found that music therapy has a positive effect on reducing depression by releasing feel-good chemicals in the brain and distracting us from painful thoughts.

14. It Can Boost Immune Health

Woman relaxing in bed wearing headphones listening to music
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Listening to music boosts your mood and may improve your immune health. A study revealed that patients with cancer who sang experienced a significant increase in cytokines, proteins in the body that aid in immunity function.

15. It Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Woman wearing headphones relaxing on couch listening to music
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If you struggle with your cardiovascular health, music could be the remedy you’ve been looking for. Music has the potential to improve blood vessel function, ease anxiety in heart attack survivors, and lower your heart rate to help you relax.

16. It Decreases Fatigue

Woman wearing headphones exercising working out listening to music
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If you’ve ever been in the middle of a workout or task, only to start feeling tired and unfocused, turning on a fast, energetic playlist could bring some life back into you. Listening to fast music while exercising has been shown to help runners perform better mentally and physically during their runs.

17. It Could Help You Eat Less

Romantic restaurant, man, woman, date, eat, dining, wine, love, candlelit, roses, flowers
Image Credit: Pinecrest Bed & Breakfast.

We bet you didn’t know that music could be used as a helpful tool to lose weight. Researchers have found that dimming the lights and playing music in a restaurant led people to eat less. If you’re on a journey to lose weight or introduce healthy habits to your routine, try dimming the lights, lighting a few candles, and playing soft music in the background to set the ambiance.

18. It Improves Mood While Driving

Woman listening to radio music while driving and singing
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There are fewer things more frustrating than being stuck in traffic after a long day. Turning on your go-to radio station or playlist can positively impact your mood while driving, so you won’t be stuck in a sour mood the entire drive home.

19. It Can Boost Motivation

Woman wearing headphones while studying working music
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Whether you’re studying for an exam or working on a tedious task, a little motivation can do wonders. Since listening to music helps boost dopamine, it also works to motivate you. Dopamine is a chemical in the brain that regulates your motivation and goal-oriented behavior, which will give you that boost of inspiration you need to power through and stay energized at work.

20. It Reduces Anxiety

Woman wearing headphones listening to music outdoors
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Just like you may turn on a calming playlist to reduce your stress levels, you can also use music as a tool to ease your anxiety. Many people use music as a meditative tool to unwind and disconnect from their daily stressors. Classical music has a calming effect that can ease nerves and lower your cortisol levels.

21. It Helps Lower Blood Pressure

Woman wearing headphones relaxing while listening to music
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Are you struggling with high blood pressure? If so, classical music could help with that. Listening to slow classical music may lower your blood pressure and encourage your body to relax.

22. It Increases Verbal Intelligence

Little boy, kid, child, playing the violin, musical instrument, lessons, training, music
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Did you know that music can actually help with verbal intelligence? Children who receive musical training show improved verbal intelligence and executive function. Music therapy is commonly used for education, rehabilitation, and efforts to improve cognitive abilities, especially in childhood.

23. It Can Help Treat Mental Illness

Depressed, depression, crying, headphones, music, lonely
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

There are plenty of mental health benefits that stem from listening to music. Music boosts dopamine, lowers cortisol levels, and reduces stress. Listening to music has the potential to improve the mental state and quality of life for those with schizophrenia or similar disorders.

24. It Improves Focus and Concentration

Woman wearing headphones listening to music while working on a laptops
Image Credit: Shutterstock.

Listening to music while studying or learning something new may sound counterproductive, but it may be just what you need for a laser-focused learning session. Music has the ability to help you focus and maximize your learning. The type of music you listen to also influences how well you pick up new information. Classical music, spa music, and nature sounds are all soothing genres that can help you relax and get into focus mode.

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