Online advertising in A straightforward steps « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Online advertising in A straightforward steps

Posted On May 17, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Online advertising in A straightforward steps

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If you start following the three steps described below, you will be more successful.

Three steps:

1. Find the right customers.

2. Take them to your site.

3. Sell to them.

But that’s not what most companies do. Most people do the opposite. They primarily focus on creating a design-friendly site. They worry that their logos have the wrong color or are not big enough, which means they just spend a lot of time and energy on something they’re interested in. And these are just two examples of what most people do wrong. Of course, there are many other things. Then they are disappointed that no one has visited their site, which means there will be no sales at the end. There is no income. Just sleepless nights.

Find the right customers
Those who succeed on the internet think very little about the right customers. First of all, we have to search for the right market, in other words, “the right customers”. The first step should be to click on the Google Keyword Tool. And look at the keywords that reveal how big a particular market is. Is it on the internet? Can they reach them? And can they reach them without a big hole in the wallet?
If the answer to these questions is yes, they are building a site where the content concerns potential customers.

Attract potential customers to your site
They then start driving traffic to the site through Google Adwords and similar services. They make sure potential customers provide their contact information (name and email) so they can then contact them with discounted offers, tips and more. In other words: Be a friend of those who are interested in what you need to sell and then sell. A big mistake for those who do not succeed on the Internet is that they drive traffic to their website, but do not expect visitors to receive their e-mail, meaning they spend more than 90% of their marketing budgets.

Sales time
When you have completed the first two steps, it’s time to start selling. This means two things. You need to rewrite your products and services in such a way that your customers are interested in the products or services you offer. And you should be good at creating irresistible offers. You also need to use good product images and make it easier for your potential customers to purchase.

To make it easier for your customers to purchase, it is a good idea to offer them several payment options. Some want to pay by bill, while others are comfortable getting their credit card. What you choose depends on what you sell to a certain extent. Contohnya, if you sell music or information products that can be downloaded directly, it is of course best to pay by PayPal or credit card.

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