How To Make Money Online In 2018 ($101,174 PROFIT IN 6 MONTHS)

Posted On Jul 23, 2018 By Olivia Stubblefield With Comments Off on How To Make Money Online In 2018 ($101,174 PROFIT IN 6 MONTHS)

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How To Make Money Online In 2018 (Over $100,000 In 6 Months)

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If you want to learn how to make money online in 2018 there’s some key things that you’ve gotta learn about the difference between rapport and relationship marketing.

So many people learn how to generate leads online and as soon as they generate a lead they call that person and spend hours on the phone trying to build a relationship when that this the exact opposite of what they should be doing to make money online.

And yes I believe in having strong relationships with those you do business with however having a relationship is not what you need to generate a new customeryou need rapport?

What is rapport?

Rapport is what you need to have that way people LISTEN to you.

How do you generate rapport?

1) ResultsAny sort of results in a specific niche will do. Just as long as your target market wants the same results if you talk about the results you and your students are producing then you will have instant rapport with your audience.

2) Confidenceif you don’t have any results then confidence is the next best selling strategy. If you’re confident enough you could sell ice to an eskimo so build your belief and knowledge in your product and that will build your confidence through the roof.

3) ExcitementIf you build excitement in your audience that will build their burning desire to buy and how you build excitement is by talking about the stuff that excites you because the quickest way to get others excited is to get yourself excited about what you’re selling.

4) TeachIf you teach, train, educate, and inspire your audience you will become an instant authority in your niche and people will look to you for advice because they want to be around someone that is training them how to get the results that they want.

How To Make Money Online In 2018 (Over $100,000 In 6 Months)

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