PruHealth teamed up with JCDecaux Innovate to create a bespoke outside marketing campaign … « $60 चमत्कारी मनी निर्माण केले

PruHealth teamed up with JCDecaux Innovate to create a bespoke outside marketing campaign

Posted On Feb 10, 2018 By Fran Doolan With Comments Off on PruHealth teamed up with JCDecaux Innovate to create a bespoke outside marketing campaign

PruHealth teamed up with JCDecaux Innovate to create a bespoke outdoor campaign in key London areas. Huge glass sided billboard units were created to look like vending machines. These were filled with either branded tennis balls or branded oranges. Over the two week campaign more than 6,000 branded oranges and tennis balls were freely dispensed.

Source by esassa

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