The Bonkers Deadpool and Wolverine Cameos Followers Can Look For Within the New Film « $60 Гайхамшиг Мөнгө Maker

The Bonkers Deadpool and Wolverine Cameos Followers Can Look For Within the New Film

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Maximum Effort! The Deadpool and Wolverine trailer drops, electrifying fans as the sharp-tongued, fourth-wall-demolishing Marvel Jesus teams with the Adamantium-clad, irate bearded warrior.

This adrenaline-pumping escapade Deadpool and Wolverine promises to shake the MCU’s foundations, introducing Deadpool’s Marvel Cinematic Universe debut. The trailer teases a riot of laughs, action-packed sequences, and potential cameos from the Fox Marvel Universe and possibly the MCU.

Take these predictions for Deadpool and Wolverine cameos with skepticism, and prepare to plunge into the madness of potential jaw-dropping cameos in the third Deadpool installment.

Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart)

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

After a lackluster cameo in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Patrick Stewart’s Professor Charles Xavier, leader of the X-Men, teases a return. Since debuting as Professor X in 2000, Stewart has become a Marvel mainstay throughout the X-Men fox universe and into the MCU, with his latest appearance in 2022’s Multiverse of Madness.

The TVA’s meddling signals abundant timeline chaos and multiversal hijinks, paving the way for Professor X’s glorious comeback to guide Deadpool and Wolverine. When pressed, Stewart plays coy, neither confirming nor denying his role in the upcoming project.

Magneto (Ian McKellen)

Ian McKellen in X2 (2003)
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

Ian McKellen’s portrayal of Magneto, the iconic metal manipulator, supposedly ended with his death in 2014’s X-Men: Days of Future Past. Yet, in the Marvel Universe, death rarely sticks. McKellen suiting up once more, either as ally or adversary to Wolverine and Deadpool, and potentially reuniting with his old friend, Professor Xavier, and/or his daughter from the comics, The Scarlet Witch, promises sheer excitement.

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom
Image Credit: Marvel.

Following the Kangtastrophy, Disney scrambles for a new villain as their big bad for the Multiverse Saga. Enter Doctor Doom, the ideal successor to Kang’s role as the primary multiversal threat. Central to the “Secret Wars” comic storyline and a recurring on-screen nemesis of the Fantastic Four, Doom’s introduction in Deadpool and Wolverine could spell trouble for our heroes and the multiverse.

Given Doom’s track record in every Fantastic Four film, his appearance alongside a potential Fantastic Four cameo seems more than likely, and keen eyes have already called out a possible Doom appearance in the trailer.

X-23 – Laura Linney (Dafne Keene)

Hugh Jackman and Dafne Keen in Logan (2017)
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Speculation and fan art hint at an X-23 cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine. Surviving Logans events positions Keene as a potential TVA target or other villainsprey. Maybe Deadpool and Wolverine aim to alter the Logan timeline, prompting Wolverine’s hesitation upon encountering his biological daughter. Uncertainty reigns, yet the anticipation thrills.

Magneto (Michael Fassbender)

Michael Fassbender as Magneto in X Men Days of Future Past
Image Credit: Alan Markfield/Marvel/Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

Michael Fassbender, donning the helmet, introduces a fresh depth to Magneto, distinguishing himself from Ian McKellen’s iconic portrayal. His debut in X-Men: First Class captivated audiences, cementing Fassbender’s legacy within the X-Men saga. A Magneto cameo would surely electrify Marvel fans across the multiverse.

Professor Xavier (James McAvoy)

James McAvoy in X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

James McAvoy’s portrayal of a youthful, hirsute Professor Xavier offers a stark contrast to Patrick Stewart’s revered elder statesman. First gracing screens in First Class, McAvoy navigated the character through several sequels of mixed reception. Despite not quite capturing Stewart’s gravitas, McAvoy’s cameo would meet a warm welcome, especially Deadpool’s likely astonishment at Xavier’s lush locks.

The Scarlet Witch

Elizabeth Olsen in Wandavision (2021)
Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

Presumed dead after her multiversal rampage in Multiverse of Madness, Scarlet Witch’s survival wouldn’t surprise Marvel aficionados. As a nexus being akin to Deadpool, her abilities could dramatically influence the multiverse’s fate. Her potential alliance with Magneto, her father, hints at absolute chaos. The looming question: Will she embody the Infinity Saga’s Wanda’s benevolence or Multiverse of Madness’s Scarlet Witch malevolence?


Loki Season 2
Image Credit: Gareth Gatrell/Marvel Studios.

With the TVA’s pivotal role, a Loki cameo fits perfectly. The Loki series peeled back the TVA’s layers, spotlighting its narrative significance. Which TVA iteration ensnares Deadpool? The devout Time Keepers followers? Kang’s despotism? Or perhaps a TVA under Loki’s divine rule?

Leaving Loki out would constitute a glaring oversight, sparking speculation and confusion on his involvement’s nature and timing within the TVA.


Owen Wilson and Tom Hiddleston
Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

Imagine the TVA devoid of its pie-craving, jet-ski-loving agent, Mobius, whom Owen Wilson brings to life with a sparkle, standing shoulder to shoulder with Hiddleston’s Loki. Mobius, exuding charm, masters the TVA’s labyrinthine corridors and secrets.

Although absent in the trailer, envision Deadpool swaggering through the TVA’s domain. Enter Mobius, tasked with corralling the sharp-tongued, lethal Deadpool and the fiercely combative Wolverine, steering them toward the TVA’s objectives.

Miss Minutes

Tara Strong in Loki
Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

Tara Strong lends her voice to Miss Minutes, infusing the character with a vibrant essence that captures the TVA’s spirit more vividly than any other in the MCU. More than a character, Miss Minutes manifests as a sentient clock, integral to the TVA since the victory of He Who Remains in the multiversal conflict. She orchestrates the TVA’s operations from the shadows while doubling as its emblem, propelling the organization’s propaganda.

With He Who Remains dethroned from the Sacred Timeline’s helm, Miss Minutesfate hangs in the balance. Her cameo, brimming with comedic exchanges between Wolverine, Deadpool, and the timepiece with a Southern twang, seems not only fitting but destined to delight.

Dazzler (Taylor Swift)

Left: Dazzler in comics and Right: Taylor Swift in Miss Americana
Image Credit: Marvel Comics (left) and Netflix (right).

This isn’t a Kansas City Chiefs game, so nobody can guarantee a Taylor Swift cameo; Taylor Swift might just light up the screen as Dazzler, the mutant with sound-manipulating prowess.

Whispers of Swift’s casting have been making rounds, especially after she was spotted with Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds at a Chiefs-Jets game. Given her longstanding friendship with Reynolds and Blake Lively, a Swift appearance wouldn’t exactly blindside fans. Deadpool and Wolverine’s director, Shawn Levy, keeps cards close to his chest, dodging confirmation bullets on Swift’s role as skillfully as Deadpool dodges enemies. Although 20th Century Fox’s previous attempts to cast Swift fizzled out, the signs point towards a dazzling cameo.

Gambit (Channing Tatum)

Left: Gambit in comics and Right: Channing Tatum in Magic Mikes Last Dance (2023)
Image Credit: Marvel Comics (left) and Warner Bros. (right).

Channing Tatum’s decade-plus chase to play Gambit reads like a Hollywood odyssey. Originally eyed for X-Men: The Last Stand in 2006, Tatum’s dream seemed to disintegrate with Disney’s Fox takeover, burying a Gambit-centric film in the process. Yet, Deadpool and Wolverine swings open the door for Tatum to finally embrace the card-flinging mutant, turning a long-held dream into reality for both Tatum and X-Men enthusiasts.

Storm (Halle Berry)

Halle Berry, Shawn Ashmore, and Elliot Page in X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

Halle Berry‘s Storm, a titan of the 20th Century X-Men universe, could very well conjure a storm in this character-packed film. With whispers of her return swirling, Berry’s Instagram tease—her sporting Storm’s iconic white hair—has fans in a frenzy. Is Berry masterfully trolling, or cryptically hinting at her thunderous return?

While her presence remains unconfirmed, Berry’s potential cameo electrifies the rumor mill, promising a tempestuous contribution to this multiversal, timeline-twisting escapade.

Jean Grey (Famke Janssen) & Cyclops (James Marsden)

Famke Janssen and James Marsden in X-Men (2000)
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Should the Deadpool sequel dive into the 20th Century Fox timeline, the original Jean Grey and Cyclops are prime candidates for cameos. Wolverine, haunted by his love for Jean and forced to end her in The Last Stand, discovers her alive in X-Men: Days of Future Past’s finale.

If Wolverine and Deadpool explore the original trilogy’s realm, expect them to collide with Jean and Cyclops. Their dynamic, strained by Wolverine’s attempts at wooing Jean, adds spice. Picture Jean navigating the awkward waters of explaining Cyclopsdemise in The Last Stand. Their potential Deadpool and Wolverine cameos promise excitement and complexity.

Beast (Kelsey Grammar)

Kelsey Grammar as Beast
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Recall Kelsey Grammar squeezing into a suit as Beast, the political force for mutant-human harmony. MCU enthusiasts might remember Beast from The Marvels post-credit scene, enlightening Monica Rambeau about her universe-hopping. This cameo could hint at the OG Fox X-Men mutants joining Deadpool and Wolverine.

Grammar, ever vibrant, sets the stage for hilarious exchanges with Ryan ReynoldsDeadpool. The nature of Beast’s interaction with Wolverine, dependent on which Wolverine variant we get, teases thrilling action and comedy.

Daredevil (Ben Affleck)

Daredevil with red eyes in his costume
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Once, Ben Affleck donned Daredevil’s horns, a tenure now overshadowed by Charlie Cox’s acclaimed portrayal. Yet, Deadpool and Wolverine might offer Affleck’s Daredevil a shot at redemption despite past criticisms. With the TVA’s universe-mingling antics, the door swings wide for Affleck’s Daredevil to reappear, possibly facing Deadpool’s mission to prune this variant. Affleck’s set appearance stirs speculation, but the multiverse’s infinite possibilities keep hopes alive for an unexpected return.

Elektra (Jennifer Garner)

Daredevil 2003
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Two decades post her stint alongside Ben Affleck’s Daredevil, Jennifer Garner eyes redemption as Elektra. The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed her cameo in Deadpool and Wolverine, revisiting her Fox Universe persona. Garner, whose talent never waned, suffered from the original Daredevil’s lackluster script. Elektra’s role and her dynamics with the titular duo spark curiosity.

Ghostrider (Nicholas Cage)

Ghost Rider Nicolas Cage
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

Imagine a demon, a wolverine, and a murderous lunatic walk into a bar. While not set in stone, buzz suggests Nicholas Cage’s Ghostrider might blaze into Deadpool and Wolverine.

Though the MCU hints at recasting, Cage seems poised for one final ride as Ghostrider, passing the torch thereafter. Known for their morally grey compasses, the potential clash and camaraderie among Ghostrider, Deadpool, and Wolverine tease explosive action and sharp banter.

Blade (Wesley Snipes)

Blade ready for battle
Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

As fans anticipate Mahershala Ali’s take on Blade, Wesley Snipes remains the definitive vampire slayer, blending menace and cool in Marvel’s darker corners. The original Blade trilogy, a cult classic, underscores Snipes’ mark on the role. Yet, the time has come for a handover, and Deadpool and Wolverine might offer Snipes a fitting farewell, paving the way for Ali’s emergence.

Fantastic Four (2000’s)

Sue Storm
Image Credit: Marvel Television

The early 2000s Fantastic Four, despite transforming Galactus, a formidable Marvel villain, into a temperamental cloud, found its saving grace in Doctor Doom. This villain stole the show in the original Fox Fantastic Four films, elevating a wobbly storyline.

With a fresh cast stepping into the Fantastic Four’s shoes, it seems it’s time to bid farewell to the old guard. Deadpool and Wolverine might just enlist to phase out the Fox Universe’s Fantastic Four, including the lackluster 2015 iteration—a mercy, perhaps.

Reed Richards (John Krasinski)

John Krasinski as Reed Richards of Fantastic Four
Image Credit: Marvel Studios/Disney.

After John Krasinski’s brief but memorable stint as a member of the Illuminati in Multiverse of Madness, fans buzzed about him leading the Fantastic Four. Yet, with Pedro Pascal set to helm the MCU Fantastic Four reboot, Krasinski’s future as Reed Richards looked bleak.

However, Deadpool and Wolverine, through the TVA’s multiversal antics, could offer Krasinski a second chance to embody the smartest man alive. Maybe they’ll even reverse his unfortunate Scarlet Witch-induced spaghettification. Krasinski’s cryptic social media tease alongside Ryan Reynolds adds to the intrigue, hinting at potential surprises come July – although, full disclosure, Krasinski and Reynolds will be co-starring in the upcoming film IF just weeks before Deadpool and Wolverine’s release.

Sabertooth (Tyler Mane)

Halle Berry and Tyler Mane in X-Men (2000)
Image Credit: Twentieth Century Fox.

Leaked photos of Deadpool clasping Sabertooth’s decapitated head hint at Tyler Mane’s return as Wolverine’s formidable foe, not to be confused with Liv Schreiber’s version. Mane’s portrayal in the 2000s X-Men film, nearly a quarter-century ago, remains iconic. Facing off against Sabertooth, Wolverine’s arch-nemesis stirs excitement among X-Men aficionados. Given the leaked images of Sabertooth clashing with Wade and Logan, Tyler Mane’s cameo seems a sure bet for the Deadpool trilogy’s third installment.

While many of these charactersappearances remain unconfirmed, speculation continues to thrive. Only time will reveal the full roster of Deadpool and Wolverine cameos when the movie hits theaters on July 26, 2024.

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