North Melbourne warehouse conversion inside former Allen’s Sweets manufacturing unit on the market « $60 Гайхамшиг Мөнгө Maker

North Melbourne warehouse conversion inside former Allen’s Sweets manufacturing unit on the market

Posted On Sep 29, 2021 By admin With Comments Off on North Melbourne warehouse conversion inside former Allen’s Sweets manufacturing unit on the market


51A O’Connell St, North Melbourne, is for sale.

A savory warehouse conversion at the onetime Allen’s Sweets factory in North Melbourne has hit the market.

But the townhouse, which too come here for a mural by an internationally-renowned artist, will cost you a little more than a bag of Minties

The quirky 51A O’Connell Stabode was listed last week for $1.695 m.

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Exposed rays boast throughout the inside of the home.


The kitchen cupboards are covered in quirky artwork.


A loft-style bedroom.

It features high-pitched ceilings, uncovered rafters and bricks and a colourful kitchen, plus a rooftop terrace with municipal views and a mural painted by well-known creator Rone.

The artwork was commissioned by the property’s onetime owned, an inventor, who thrown her own creative flare on the home.

Jellis Craig Fitzroy partner Charles Atkins said the warehouse exuded “character”.

“It’s very cool; it’s get wonderful aestheticsthe rafters and disclosed bricks and the beautiful windows and rooftop with the mural. It’s fairly dazzling, ” he said.

Mr Atkins said the two-storey space was “very versatileand represented the best of inner city living.

“There’s no doubt some of the best performing real estate in the inner city is these warehouses with a fine history and persona, ” Mr Atkins said.

“And the fact that it’s got the age-old magazine on the side of it resonates with parties. We’re not seeing this replicated, they’re not constructing any more( like this ). ”

The retractable shower wall that opens into the living space was also a cool feature, Mr Atkins said.


The bathroom has a retractable wall.


The spacious main bedroom.


The rooftop has municipality their opinions and a mural by craftsman Rone.


The distinctively influenced building.

He supplemented it was “perfect for making from home, imparted it does have mingled stages whereby you are eligible to comfortably set up a home office”.

Mr Atkins said the merchants were based in Western Australia and were selling after not being able to visit regularly for the past two years.

He said he had already received interest from interested neighbourhood customers and creative transactions considers the seat for an office.

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