The Prime 14 Cities Attracting Millennials « $60 അദ്ഭുത മണി മേക്കർ

The Prime 14 Cities Attracting Millennials

Posted On Mar 21, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on The Prime 14 Cities Attracting Millennials

Collectively, we brand those aged 28 to 43 as millennials. We frequently assign this group a set of characteristics as if they were a monolith. While the millennial generation is a group of distinct, independent-minded individuals, many of them share common traits and values.

This is important when we consider that millennials are moving to certain cities in large numbers. A group of SmartAsset researchers determined the percentage of millennials that represent new arrivals in certain cities. Here are the top cities that are drawing millennials.

1. Cambridge, Massachusetts

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Image Credit: Eric Kilby – Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0/Wiki Commons.

Nearly 15% of new residents who moved to Cambridge in 2022 were millennials, with 17,275 transplants calling Cambridge their new home. Sure, many of them could be continuing their education (or working a job) at Harvard, but the university has more than 25,000 students.

Perhaps these millennials are hoping to achieve greatness by osmosis by merely being in Harvard’s shadow. Whatever the reason, Cambridge was the premier municipal millennial magnet in 2022.

2. Santa Clara, CA

Santa Clara, CA
Image Credit: Sundry Photography/Shutterstock.

It makes sense that a generation often accused of prioritizing short-term happiness over long-term stability would flock to Santa Clara, CA. The sunshine, beaches, and gnarly waves are plentiful, but California’s tax environment hardly screams “get ahead in life.”

In 2022, 13.26% of new Santa Clara residents were millennials. In total, millennials make up nearly 40% of Santa Clara’s populace. While Google tells me that “Santa Clara” translates to “Saint Claire,” I’m starting to think it means “Millennials Welcome.”

3. Seattle, WA

Seattle, Washington
Image Credit: dibrova/Shutterstock.

Some might joke about Seattle being the recruitment headquarters for millennial-aged ANTIFA members, but I’d never go there. Instead, I’ll merely note that 12.54% of migrants to Seattle in 2022 aged between 25 ഒപ്പം 44.

Millennials often complain about the high cost of living, and there is truth in that. However, we’d give boomers less reason to knock our logic if we weren’t moving to cities like Seattle, one of America’s most expensive locales.

4. Sunnyvale, CA

Sunnyvale, CA
Image Credit: Vadim Manuylov, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wiki Commons.

Sunnyvale is one of the cities that comprises the Bay Area’s Silicon Valley, with employers like Apple, Google, and Meta maintaining offices in the city. This demand for tech workers surely helps explain why 12.53% of new arrivals in 2022 were millennials.

Accuse millennials of being neurotic, overly emotional, or whatever else you please. Don’t accuse us of being tech-averse.

5. Denver, CO

Image Credit: f11photo/Shutterstock.

There’s not much mystery about why 12.11% of new residents to Denver in 2022 were millennials. Those born between 1981 ഒപ്പം 1996 are puff puff passing on other potential homes in favor of Denver’s hiking trails, fresh powder, and fresh slightly mountain air.

No, long-term Denver resident, your new millennial neighbor is not harboring a skunk in their home. They’re just relaxing.

6. Arlington, VA

Arlington County
Image Credit: APK – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0/Wiki Commons.

A common suburb of choice for government workers and contractors who commute to the nation’s capital, Arlington does not discriminate against millennial residents.

The nearly 27,000 millennial transplants who moved to Arlington in 2022 prove that even those who grew up on Rage Against the Machine aren’t above taking a taxpayer-funded gig.

7. Bellevue, WA

Bellevue, Washington
Image Credit: Spicypepper999 – Own work, CC0/Wiki Commons.

Located across Lake Washington from Seattle, Bellevue is known for high incomes, stunning natural scenery, and…being close to Seattle. Companies like T-Mobile ഒപ്പം Amazon have significant offices in Bellevue, and the city’s cluster of tech companies makes it something of a Silicon Valley North.

Just like Silicon Valley, millennials are flocking to Silicon Valley North. 11.31% of residents who moved to Bellevue in 2022 were Millennials.

8. Killeen, TX

Killeen, Texas
Image Credit: Giorgia Basso/Shutterstock.

Located 70 miles north of Austin, TX, Killeen is benefitting (or suffering, depending on your view) from the massive influx into Austin. Viewed as Texas’s hippest, most progressive, and most culturally vibrant city, Austin has drawn celebrities, businesspeople, and ordinary folk into its orbit since the pandemic.

Those who can’t afford to live in Austin settle for nearby cities like Killeen, which have relatively low taxation, a freedom-minded culture, and an abundance of outdoor activities that come with it. A whopping 16,853 millennials made Killeen their new home in 2022.

9. Austin, Texas

Austin City in Texas
Image Credit: Jouaienttoi – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0/Wiki Commons.

With Joe Rogan and Elon Musk moving their businesses to Austin, comedians, musicians, and other luminaries have followed. അതുകൊണ്ട്, too, have millennials.

In 2022, 10.71% of new Austin residents were millennials; this demographic now makes up more than 40% of Austin’s population.

10. Sandy Springs, GA

Sandy Springs, Georgia
Image Credit: Maksim Sundukov – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wiki Commons.

A suburb of Atlanta, Sandy Springs offers proximity to the bustling Southern city without the headaches that city life incites. You can easily get to Atlanta via train or car, so it’s no surprise that millennials working in Atlanta choose to make Sandy Springs their home.

In 2022, 11,210 millennials moved to Sandy Springs.

11. Savannah, GA

Savannah, Georgia
Image Credit: Bigdaverhuberg – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0/Wiki Commons.

There’s a reason why Savannah is one of the South’s crown jewels. Its location on the Atlantic, cobblestone streets, abundance of Southern architecture and history, and thriving culinary scene are why 15,303 millennials moved to the city in 2022.

12. Boulder, CO

Boulder, Colorado
Image Credit: Maciej Bledowski/Shutterstock.

A generation moving around like rolling stones has found Boulder a welcoming place worth staying in. This college town saw 10,544 millennials move in during 2022. The median home sale price in Boulder is over $1 million, making us wonder how many Millennials (known for lamenting their living costs) can afford it.

13. Alexandria, VA

Alexandria, Virginia
Image Credit: ALXCHO – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0/Wiki Commons.

Another suburb of Washington, D.C., Alexandria, is now a popular spot for millennials. Again, we have to speculate that many of these Millennials (15,080 of whom moved to Alexandria in 2022) hold some governmental or government-adjacent job.

14. Columbia, SC

Columbia, South Carolina
Image Credit: Akhenaton06 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wiki Commons.

Home to the University of South Carolina, Columbia is also home to 13,459 new millennials as of 2022. South Carolina became a popular destination for those seeking a more laid-back, affordable lifestyle following pandemic-mania. The millennial influx proves that Columbia offers a mix of modern culture, Southern charm, and affordability.

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