Persuasion and propaganda: This ad is built with an ethos-drive, appealing to yo… « $60 അദ്ഭുത മണി മേക്കർ

Persuasion and propaganda: This ad is built with an ethos-drive, appealing to yo

Posted On Jul 24, 2019 By Fran Doolan With Comments Off on Persuasion and propaganda: This ad is built with an ethos-drive, appealing to yo


Persuasion and propaganda: This ad is built with an ethos-drive, appealing to your guilt emotion for this boy who has fallen victim to cyber bullying. The most predominant persuasive technique here is fear, here it is used to cause us to be afraid of what we say to someone online could be doing more damage than we think it is.

Source by zacharymtaylorr

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