Local Internet Marketing

Posted On Jul 3, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Local Internet Marketing

http://netpunch.co.uk – Local internet marketing is most important source of new business leads for your business, ever, in fact… it is more important to your business in 2011 than any other form of advertising, period!
So what exactly is a local search???
A local search is when someone searches for a product or a service and includes a city, town or county name in the search query. A typical example of a local term would be “fitted kitchens in Liverpool”
The Yellowpages, trade magazines, newspapers and TV are simply no longer a cost effective means of attracting new customers and leads to your business.
The top search engines which include Google, Yahoo and Bing literally have hundreds of millions of users every day, searching for the very products and services that your business sells. And listen, they don’t care if you have a web site!
If your company appears in the top three or four listings, and you offer the service or product they want and, you get the business.
If your business doesn’t appear, your competitors get the order, it’s as simple as that!
Given that the mobile internet market is more than three times bigger than the the PC based market, it comes as no surprise to discover that the bulk of local searches are carried out on mobile devices.
Are you beginning to see why it is not only important to be listed in the LOCAL Google searches… it is important to rank in the top three! Mobile phone screens can only show a few results at a time.
Lets look at the facts!
43% of all searches on the Google are local which include a city, county or post code
25% of all searches are seeking local businesses

90% of all purchases are made within 50 miles of a persons home
There are 2.6 billion local searches a month
There are 51 million smart phone users
And when searching on a mobile device, results are shown based on the GPS

For the first time in history business owners can now reach their target market anywhere, anyplace and anytime through the power of local internet marketing.
There are no long term contracts to be signed, only a small one time fee and you’re done!

43% of all searches are local internet marketing searches
25% are seeking local businesses
90% are within 50 miles
2,6 Billion local searches/month
51 Million smart phone users

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