Capture Leads and Convert Sales Webinar « $60 Maker ເງິນ Miracle

Capture Leads and Convert Sales Webinar

Posted On Mar 21, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Capture Leads and Convert Sales Webinar

Capture Leads and Convert Sales Webinar was a combined effort with Jimmy Talbert, Co-Founder of WHYnot Results Marketing Studio and Clint Hosman, Owner of Longship Systems. The webinar was designed for small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups. The content covered in this webinar was how to attract more high quality leads to your business, how to kickstart your conversion process and how to increase the lifetime customer value of every client or customer a business works with.

WHYnot Results specializes in creating sales and marketing content, marketing consulting, and sales copy. The video content businesses come to WHYnot Results for is typically for sales videos, marketing videos, social media videos, content marketing videos, lead generation videos, call to action videos, video podcasts, nurture marketing videos, conversion marketing videos, customer satisfaction videos, customer delight videos, educational videos, training videos green screen videos, animated videos and other business video needs. WHYnot Results sales and marketing consulting services include: Overall marketing funnel consulting, search engine optimization, social media marketing strategies, lead magnet strategis, lead generation strategies, lead education strategies, lead nurture strategies, call to action strategies, marketing campaign strategy, online advertising strategy, offline advertising strategy, print advertising strategy, lead conversion strategies, sales conversion strategies, customer satisfaction strategies, up-sell strategies, cross-sell strategies, referral strategies, referral marketing, affiliate marketing, online marketing, lead optimization strategies, digital marketing strategies, marketing automation strategies, Infusionsoft strategies, Keap strategies, clickfunnel strategies, ontraport strategies, mailchimp strategies, constant contact strategies, email marketing strategies, landing page strategies, sales page strategies, video marketing strategies, product marketing strategies, customer avatar strategies, client avatar strategies and other sales and marketing techniques and strategies. WHYnot Results Copywriting services include: email copywriting, online traffic copywriting, offline traffic copywriting, lead generation copywriting, social media copywriting, call to action copywriting, nurture email copywriting, educational email copywriting, sales email copywriting, engagement email copywriting, conversion email copywriting, customer satisfaction email copywriting, client satisfaction email copywriting, up-sell email copywriting, cross-sell email copywriting, affiliate marketing email email copywriting, referral marketing email copywriting, small business email email copywriting, customer review email copywriting, client review email copywriting, landing page copywriting, lead generation landing page copywriting, call to action landing page copywriting, sales landing page copywriting, sales page writing, ecommerce landing page copywriting, services business landing page copywriting, customer service landing page copywriting, client service landing page copywriting, digital product landing page copywriting, service landing page copywriting and other sales conversion related copy.
1609 e. roma ave. suite D. phoenix az 85016
WHYnot Results Why not Results

Longship Systems focuses on building and developing scalable systems to help small businesses, entrepreneurs and startups grow and increase revenue quickly. Most of their clients use products like Infusionsoft, Keap, ClickFunnels, Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, Hubspot, Marketo and other marketing automation platforms designed for small to medium sized businesses.

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