How Many Youngsters Does Djokovic Have?

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Novak Djokovic, the world-renowned tennis player, is not only known for his incredible skills on the court but also for his loving and devoted family life. As a public figure, many fans are eager to know about the personal aspects of his life, especially when it comes to his children. Ita, let’s dive into the question that’s on everyone’s mind: How many kids does Djokovic have?

Key Takeaways:

  • Novak Djokovic has two children.
  • His son’s name is Stefan Djokovic.
  • His daughter’s name is Tara Djokovic.
  • Djokovic often refers to his children as “my angels.”
  • Both Stefan and Tara support their father at tennis tournaments.

Novak Djokovic’s Family Life

Novak Djokovic’s family is a source of love, joy, and support in his life. His wife, Jelena Djokovic, and their two children, Stefan and Tara Djokovic, complete his beautiful family. Novak and Jelena tied the knot in 2014 after being high school sweethearts, and their love story continues to inspire many. They welcomed their son, Stefan, in October 2014, and their daughter, Tara, in September 2017.

Novak often expresses his deep love and admiration for his family, acknowledging the profound impact they have had on his life. He credits his wife and children for bringing him a sense of balance and happiness, both on and off the tennis court. Jelena is not only a devoted wife and mother but also actively involved in the Novak Djokovic Foundation.

The Novak Djokovic Foundation, founded by Novak and Jelena, is dedicated to improving early childhood education in Serbia. Through their foundation, they strive to provide equal opportunities and quality education to children, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come.

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“Family is not an important thing, it’s everything,” said Novak Djokovic, and his commitment to his family exemplifies this sentiment.

Family Members Year of Birth
Novak Djokovic 1987
Jelena Djokovic 1986
Stefan Djokovic 2014
Tara Djokovic 2017

Novak Djokovic’s Son, Stefan

Novak Djokovic’s son, Stefan Djokovic, was born in October 2014. Stefan has shown an interest in tennis and has been seen practicing with his father on various occasions. Novak has emphasized that he does not force Stefan to play tennis and that it is solely his son’s passion for the sport.

Stefan has accompanied his father to tennis tournaments and has even practiced with him at Wimbledon. Djokovic is proud of his son’s progress and enjoys sharing special moments with him on the court.

Stefan Djokovic practicing tennis

Novak Djokovic’s Daughter, Tara

Novak Djokovic’s family expanded with the arrival of his daughter, Tara Djokovic, in September 2017. While her older brother Stefan has shown an interest in tennis, Tara has chosen a different path. She has developed a passion for ballet and gymnastics, captivating her father with her grace and elegance.

Tara often accompanies her parents, Novak and Jelena, to tennis tournaments, providing loving support from the stands. Novak cherishes their shared moments, finding solace in Tara’s adorable presence. He describes her as a grounding force in his life, her pure innocence and beauty serving as a constant reminder of what truly matters.

Every time Novak looks into Tara’s eyes, he experiences a profound sense of joy and contentment. He believes that Tara’s presence in his life has expanded his capacity to love and appreciate the simple pleasures of fatherhood. The bond between Novak and his daughter grows stronger with each passing day.

Novak Djokovic daughter

Novak Djokovic and Tara form an inseparable connection, and even though she has yet to show an interest in tennis, he fully supports her pursuit of other passions. Their loving relationship serves as a reminder that family is not bound by shared interests, but by unconditional love and support.

The Djokovic Family

Novak Djokovic’s family life is a beautiful blend of love and togetherness. With his wife, Jelena Djokovic, and their two children, Stefan and Tara Djokovic, Novak treasures the shared moments of joy and happiness.

Family Member Role
Novak Djokovic Father
Jelena Djokovic Mother
Stefan Djokovic Son
Tara Djokovic Daughter

Novak and Jelena’s relationship serves as a strong foundation for their family. They have been together since their days in high school and tied the knot on July 10, 2014. Their wedding was a beautiful celebration of love and commitment, held in Montenegro.

“Family is not an important thing, it’s everything.” – Michael J. Fox

Novak Djokovic’s daughter, Tara, adds a touch of sweetness and innocence to their family dynamic. As Novak continues to pursue his tennis career, he finds comfort in the unwavering support of his loved ones, with each family member playing an invaluable role in his life.

Novak Djokovic’s Relationship with Jelena

Novak Djokovic is happily married to Jelena Djokovic. Their love story began in 2005, and they tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony in July 2014. Jelena has been an incredible pillar of support throughout Novak’s career, standing by his side through thick and thin. Their relationship spans over 9 years, filled with love, trust, and mutual admiration.

Jelena’s unwavering support has played a crucial role in Novak’s success both on and off the tennis court. Her belief in his abilities and dedication has been a driving force behind his achievements. Through the ups and downs, Jelena has remained a steady presence, standing shoulder to shoulder with Novak as he conquers new milestones.

Together, Novak and Jelena have faced challenges head-on, including rumors of a split in 2019. However, they dismissed these rumors, attributing them to their daughter Tara’s young age, as she was unable to attend tennis matches at the time. Their commitment to their family and shared goals has only strengthened their bond, proving that their love is unwavering.

Jelena is not just Novak’s wife; she is also the global CEO of the Novak Djokovic Foundation, a charity they founded together. This foundation is dedicated to improving early childhood education in Serbia and making a positive impact on the lives of children. Jelena’s dedication to philanthropy aligns perfectly with Novak’s desire to give back to the community.

Novak often expresses his gratitude for having Jelena as his wife and partner. Their relationship serves as a source of strength, providing Novak with unwavering support and love. Together, they are a power couple, inspiring others through their love, partnership, and shared commitment to making a difference.

Novak Djokovic’s Wedding and Family Celebrations

On July 10, 2014, Novak Djokovic and Jelena exchanged vows in a beautiful wedding ceremony. The venue for their special day was the Aman Sveti Stefan Resort in Montenegro. Surrounded by their closest family and friends, the couple celebrated their love and commitment in a joyous gathering.

It was an emotional and perfect moment for Novak as he watched Jelena walk down the aisle in her stunning wedding dress. The atmosphere was filled with love and happiness, with the anticipation of the new chapter they were about to embark on as husband and wife.

Novak Djokovic wedding

Jelena was pregnant with their first child, Stefan, at the time of their wedding, adding an extra layer of joy and excitement to the celebration. This memorable occasion marked the beginning of their journey as not only a married couple but also as parents.

Since their wedding, Novak and Jelena have continued to cherish their love and milestones as a family. They value the importance of family celebrations and create cherished memories together.

Novak Djokovic’s Role as a Father

Novak Djokovic has fully embraced his role as a father, showing immense love and commitment to his children. He recognizes the positive impact fatherhood has had on his life, shifting his focus from his career to his family. Djokovic cherishes the time he spends with his children and finds joy in being present for them.

Before becoming a father, Djokovic’s priorities revolved mainly around his tennis career. However, his perspective has shifted since welcoming his children into the world. He values the precious moments spent with them and has learned to prioritize his family in his life.

Djokovic’s relationship with his children has had a profound impact on him, influencing his priorities and molding his perspective. Through fatherhood, he has gained a heightened appreciation for the significance of family and the role it plays in his overall happiness.

As a father, Djokovic cherishes every moment with his children, recognizing that their presence brings him immense joy and fulfillment. He strives to be an active and engaged parent, creating lasting memories and creating a strong bond with his kids.

Djokovic’s Approaches to Parenting

In his role as a father, Djokovic takes various approaches to parenting, aiming to provide the best upbringing for his children. He believes in fostering a nurturing environment that promotes their growth and well-being.

“Being a parent means being selfless and putting your children’s needs first. It’s about providing love, guidance, and support, while also allowing them to explore and discover their own passions.”

Djokovic understands the importance of balance, ensuring that his children have the freedom to pursue their interests while providing guidance and support along the way.

“Parenting is a journey of constant learning and growth. It’s about being present for your children, being their biggest cheerleaders, and guiding them to become their best selves.”

Djokovic instills important values such as discipline, respect, and perseverance in his children. He believes in leading by example and strives to be a positive role model for them.

Relationship with His Children

Novak Djokovic shares a beautiful bond with his children, Stefan and Tara. He cherishes their presence in his life and treasures the special moments they share together.

“Having children has brought a whole new dimension of love and fulfillment into my life. They inspire me, make me laugh, and constantly remind me of what truly matters.”

Djokovic’s children often support him at tennis tournaments, accompanying him to matches and cheering him on from the stands. Their presence fuels his motivation and creates a sense of connection with his family.

Novak Djokovic’s role as a father not only brings him personal fulfillment but also influences the way he approaches his tennis career. He draws strength and inspiration from the love and support of his children, reinforcing his drive to succeed both on and off the court.

Novak Djokovic and his children supporting him at a tennis tournament

Djokovic’s Children Quotes

Stefan Djokovic Tara Djokovic
“I love watching my dad play tennis. He’s my hero! “Seeing my dad on the court makes my heart swell with pride!
“Practicing tennis with my dad is the most fun thing ever! I want to be just like him! “My dad is the best! I enjoy doing ballet and gymnastics, and he always supports me!

Novak Djokovic’s Children Supporting Him

Novak Djokovic’s children, Stefan and Tara, are his biggest fans and constant supporters at tennis tournaments. They can often be seen accompanying their father to matches, cheering him on from the stands. Whether it’s a thrilling Grand Slam final or a regular match, Djokovic’s children are there, exuding love and enthusiasm for their father’s success.

Stefan and Tara’s presence provides Djokovic with an incredible sense of motivation and connection to his family. As they cheer him on, their unwavering support fuels his determination on the court. The joy and pride Djokovic feels in having his children by his side as he pursues his professional tennis career is immeasurable.

Through the highs and lows of his matches, Stefan and Tara are a constant reminder of the love and bond that exists within the Djokovic family. Their cheers and applause echo in Djokovic’s heart, pushing him to give his best and achieve greatness.

Novak Djokovic's children at tennis tournaments

“There’s no better feeling than having my children cheering for me during matches. Their presence gives me an extra boost and reminds me of what truly matters in life.” – Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic’s Reflection on Fatherhood

Novak Djokovic, a devoted father, often reflects on the profound impact fatherhood has had on his life. For him, being a father is not just a role but an ongoing journey of personal growth and development for both himself and his children. He cherishes the transformative experience of becoming a father and finds that it has brought him a deeper appreciation for every aspect of his life, especially time.

Djokovic realizes that his perspective has shifted from a focus primarily on himself to the well-being and happiness of his family. He understands that fatherhood has the power to shape him as an individual and strengthen his connection with his children. The love and gratitude he feels as a father are immeasurable, and it fuels his desire to be present and actively involved in their lives.

In Djokovic’s eyes, his free time is a precious gift that he consciously chooses to spend with his children. He embraces these moments, knowing they contribute to his growth as a father and create lasting memories with his little ones. Djokovic’s heart expands with love as he watches his children develop and learn, and he is filled with gratitude for the joy they bring into his life.

As a father, Novak Djokovic finds fulfillment in nurturing his children’s dreams, supporting their passions, and providing a loving and stable environment for them to thrive. He deeply values the bond he shares with his children and cherishes the opportunity to shape their lives, guiding them towards positive experiences and helping them navigate the world with love and compassion.

“Being a father is the most incredible and humbling experience. It has taught me so much about life, love, and the value of family. It brings me immeasurable joy and purpose. I treasure every moment as a father and give my best to be there for my children in every way possible.” – Novak Djokovic

Djokovic’s reflection on fatherhood reveals his deep gratitude for the opportunity to be a loving and present father to his children. It is evident that his role as a father has had a profound impact on his perspective, priorities, and overall sense of fulfillment.

Key Reflections on Fatherhood Implications
Fatherhood as a continuous journey of growth and development Novak Djokovic actively seeks personal growth and embraces the evolving nature of fatherhood.
Shift in focus from self to family Djokovic prioritizes his family’s well-being, finding fulfillment in being present and actively involved in his children’s lives.
Appreciation for the value of time Djokovic recognizes the importance of cherishing and making the most of the time he spends with his children.
Expansion of heart with love and gratitude Djokovic experiences deep love and gratitude as a father, finding joy and purpose in nurturing and supporting his children.

Novak Djokovic’s Family Foundation

Novak Djokovic and Jelena Djokovic are not only passionate about their family but also about making a difference in the lives of others. They co-founded the Novak Djokovic Foundation, a charity dedicated to providing equal access to early childhood education in Serbia.

Jelena, as the global CEO of the foundation, works tirelessly to improve the education system in their home country. The couple firmly believes in the power of education and its ability to transform lives. Through their foundation, they strive to create opportunities for future generations and contribute to the development of Serbia.

Novak Djokovic’s charity work is a testament to his commitment to philanthropy. By utilizing their platform and resources, Novak and Jelena aim to make a positive impact on children’s lives, ensuring that every child has access to quality education and a chance for a brighter future.


How many kids does Djokovic have?

Novak Djokovic has two children, a son named Stefan Djokovic and a daughter named Tara Djokovic.

Who are Novak Djokovic’s family members?

Novak Djokovic’s family consists of his wife, Jelena Djokovic, and their two children, Stefan and Tara Djokovic.

What is Novak Djokovic’s son’s name?

Novak Djokovic’s son’s name is Stefan Djokovic.

What is Novak Djokovic’s daughter’s name?

Novak Djokovic’s daughter’s name is Tara Djokovic.

Who is Novak Djokovic’s wife?

Novak Djokovic’s wife is Jelena Djokovic.

When did Novak Djokovic get married?

Novak Djokovic got married on July 10, 2014.

How does Novak Djokovic describe his role as a father?

Novak Djokovic embraces his role as a father with great love and commitment, finding joy in being present for his children.

Do Novak Djokovic’s children support him at tennis tournaments?

Yes, Novak Djokovic’s children often support him at tennis tournaments, accompanying him and cheering him on from the stands.

What is the Novak Djokovic Foundation?

The Novak Djokovic Foundation is a charity co-founded by Novak and Jelena Djokovic that aims to provide equal access to early childhood education in Serbia.

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