Cassie Photographs Present Accidents at Movie Premiere Days After Diddy Assault « $60 Money miraculi factorem

Cassie Photographs Present Accidents at Movie Premiere Days After Diddy Assault

Posted On May 18, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on Cassie Photographs Present Accidents at Movie Premiere Days After Diddy Assault

Diddy‘s ex Cassie seemed to be sporting bodily injuries as they attended a glitzy L.A. film premiere just 2 days after his now-notorious 2016 beatdown of her that was captured on hotel surveillance cameras.

Check out these images from March 7, 2016 … Diddy and Cassie were dressed to the nines while posing for pics on the red carpet for the opening of a movie she starred in called “The Perfect Match.”

Like any normal couple, they were standing side by side and holding hands, but a closer look at Cassie’s extremities showed well-hidden signs of what had happened to her — although heavily covered by makeup, there were faint marks and bruises on Cassie’s arms and legs.

While we can’t be sure what caused those marks — it’s not a giant leap to connect it to the security video of Diddy savagely assaulting Cassie in L.A.’s InterContinental Hotel days earlier. Judging from the sheer brutality, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think Cassie’s wounds came from that attack.

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