Wow, It’s Owen Wilson’s Greatest Performances « $60 បង្កើត​ប្រាក់​អព្ភូតហេតុ

Wow, It’s Owen Wilson’s Greatest Performances

Posted On Feb 28, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on Wow, It’s Owen Wilson’s Greatest Performances

Owen Wilson is not just the actor who sayswowso much that it’s become a meme. While this is a running joke that he embraces as he says this word in nearly all his films, sometimes multiple times, there is much more to this multifaceted performer.

Owen Wilson is an actor with unmistakable charm and charisma with a unique screen presence. He’s not a performer who attempts different accents or chameleon-like personas like some actors. His haircut doesn’t even vary that often. And yet, Wilson has managed to jump between genres and tackle various types of roles, all while maintaining a likable aura. He’s carved his distinct niche in film, and his 24 greatest are a spectacular showcase of Wilson’s talents.

1 – Midnight in Paris (2011)

midnight in paris
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Classic.

Midnight in Paris is a lovely and unique take on the time travel genre and what many call Woody Allen’s best. The story follows writer Gil Pender, vacationing in Paris with his fiancée (Rachel McAdams) and her parents, seeking inspiration for a novel he’s attempting to write. Gil has what the film refers to asgolden age thinking,” which is a belief that a previous era is much better than the one you live in.

For Gil, this era would be Paris in the 1920s. Much to his delight, one night while wandering the streets, a car arrives and transports him back to this time where he dances the Charleston, listens to the music of Cole Porter, and meets his writing and artistic heroes such as F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein, Salvador Dali, and Pablo Picasso. He also meets a sweet and alluring woman that opens his eyes to feelings he’d forgotten.

Midnight in Paris is a picture postcard of the beauties of Paris, imbued with an incandescent sheen. It’s witty and profound while remaining light-hearted. The time travel and fantasy aren’t done in a way like other films. It’s a catalyst for Gil’s emotional and intellectual journey. It shows the audience how many of us will romanticize a past era. Wilson is the film’s centerpiece, and his sense of wonder and charm helps make the movie a delight.

2 – Marley and Me (2008)

marley and me 1
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Marley and Me is more than just what some call thesad dog movie.While that is an apt assessment for a portion of the film, there is much more to it. Truthfully, Marley and Me is a sweet and authentic look at an average family and the extraordinary beauty of life.

The story follows John and Jenny (Wilson and Jennifer Aniston) and their journey through life in their respective careers, raising a family, and relationship with their unruly dog Marley. This dog is lovable but never grows out of his puppy mentality, and dealing with his behavior and eccentricities create a lot of drama, laughs, and, at the end of the day, love. This film is a heartwarming joy, and Wilson gives one of his most grounded and emotional performances. He perfectly balances the contrast between frustration and adoration for the incorrigible pup. And his performance and chemistry with Aniston radiates authenticity and beautifully showcases the crazy, chaotic, beautiful thing called life.

3. -Wonder (2017)

Image Credit: Lionsgate.

Wonder is a profound and moving film that will elicit tears from many viewers. The story follows a loving family with a teenage daughter and a young son about to attend regular school for the first time. About the enter 5th grade, August Pullman (Jacob Tremblay) had been home-schooled by his mother (Julia Roberts) because he was born with facial differences, and his parents wanted to shield him from ridicule. But knowing that can’t last forever, his parents send their sweet, space-loving son into the world.

Wonder is structured uniquely, featuring chapters for various children in the story, with the Pullman parents (Roberts and Wilson) providing the backbone for the film. We see the trials of childhood, including the struggles to fit in, find true friends, and find acceptance.

The entire cast is superb, and the story is compelling and genuinely heartwarming without being saccharine. It’s an important film that should be required viewing for children. Wonder is, for lack of a better word, wonderful.

4 – The Darjeeling Limited (2007)

the darjeeling limited
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Owen Wilson is a mainstay in Wes Anderson’s films. My ranking of his movies varies slightly from ranking Wilson’s with the famed director, taking into consideration Wilson’s level of involvement in the movie. Consequently, I skipped films where his part is small, including Fantastic Mr. Fox and The Grand Budapest Hotel. Ultimately, The Darjeeling Limited is the best collaboration between the two.

In the film, Wilson plays the eldest of three brothers, Francis, who travels to India with brothers Peter and Jack (Adrien Brody and Jason Schwartzman). The three are searching for their wandering mother, are grieving the death of their father, and are each dealing with personal struggles. Their journey of self-reflection and reforming their bond as brothers is funny and emotional, grounded by the exceptional performances from all three actors and the quirky but profound writing by Anderson, Schwartzman, and Roman Coppola. This is one of Wilson’s finest films and performances. The film tackles severe issues of death, depression, and love with sensitivity and humor.

5 – Behind Enemy Lines (2001)

behind enemy lines
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

When someone thinks about Owen Wilson’s filmography, a wartime drama is probably not the first kind of film that comes to mind. But that only further proves his deceptively varied career. Behind Enemy Lines may be an a-typical film for Wilson. Still, he proves himself more than capable, believable, and engaging. In the film, Wilson plays a Navy navigator pilot named Burnett, who finds himself bored and dejected with the state of his work. He plans to resign, much to the disappointment of his commanding officer Reigart, played by Gene Hackman.

On a routine reconnaissance flight, Wilson and his fellow pilot detect some activity, fly over wartorn Bosnia, and are shot down. With a complicated situation between Bosnia, NATO, and the US, Reigart must defy orders to help rescue Burnett, who must use his wits and survival skills to stay alive while being relentlessly pursued by insurgents.

Behind Enemy Lines is a thrilling, intense, edge-of-your-seat film with emotional moments showcasing the incredible dangers those serving their country face. Wilson is fantastic as the soldier whose dire situation ignites a fire in him he wasn’t even sure he had. It’s a terrific and very underrated film in Wilson’s career.

6 – Loki (2021-2023)

Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

The lone television series on this list, Loki, represents one of Wilson’s most exceptional roles. The show that follows the God of Mischief, Loki (Tom Hiddleston), after the events of Avengers: Endgame finds the villain turned anti-hero at the TVA or Time Variance Authority. Having stolen the Tesseract, Loki created a branch in time that he wasn’t meant to, and the TVA works to correct it. Wilson plays Morbius, an agent assigned to keep Loki in check who eventually becomes a friend to the mischievous God.

Loki is among the MCU’s finest because of its distinctive style, engaging characters, and story. Wilson is an unexpected choice, but his particular presence breathes new life into the universe, creating an entertaining and deep viewing experience.

7 – The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

the royal tenenbaums
Image Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

Another Wes Anderson offering, The Royal Tenenbaums, tells the story of a dysfunctional family with their estranged father, Royal, attempting to reconnect with his children and ex-wife. Each has troubles with life and relationships, including Wilson’s character Eli. This self-centered lifelong neighbor always wanted to join the Tenenbaum family.

The words dysfunctional and quirky perfectly describe this family and the film. The typical deadpan acting and stylized and meticulous production design, use of color, and unique costuming give the film its distinctive feel. But the story and characters have a tremendous amount of heart, making it one of the most emotionally engaging of all of Anderson’s films.

8 – The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004)

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Image Credit: Touchstone Pictures

Speaking of Wes Anderson, out of all the collaborations between the director and Owen Wilson, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou is the zaniest, funniest, most colorful, and most devastating of all their movies. The film follows oceanographer Steve Zissou (Bill Murray), who embarks on a mission of revenge on the mysterious jaguar shark who ate his partner. On the mission, which also is creating a documentary, the crew includes his intrepid team, a journalist (Cate Blanchett), and the son he never knew he had, Ned (Wilson).

The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou is the perfect film to introduce Anderson’s eccentric and whimsical style of filmmaking as it features his creative touches in overdrive, a fantastic cast, an incredible David Bowie soundtrack, and a profound story surrounded by a circle of quirkiness. Wilson creates an engaging character that charms Blanchett and melts the grumpy Zissou, making his fate all the more emotional.

9 – How Do You Know (2010)

how do you know
Image Credit: Sony Pictures Releasing.

One of the most underrated romantic comedies in recent years, How Do You Know, comes from illustrious writer/director James L. Brooks and stars Reese Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, and Jack Nicholson alongside Wilson. The movie follows Lisa (Witherspoon), a woman at a crossroads in her life after being cut from the Olympic softball team, her fun-loving baseball player boyfriend Matty (Wilson), and George, a sweet man who discovers his father (Nicholson) has engaged in monumental illegal activity in their company.

Their intersecting lives create funny, wholesome, and ever-relatable moments as we see how love is unexpected, strange, and wonderful. The right person may not be who we imagine, and relationships are always challenging. Thanks to the impeccable cast, these themes are presented delightfully. Wilson, in particular, is terrific as the sweet, if the somewhat thoughtless, man with some growing up to do but is never unlikeable.

10 – The Internship (2013)

the internship
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

Owen Wilson has several frequent collaborators he loves to work with. Vince Vaughn is such a person; their comedy, The Internship, is their finest joint effort. In the movie, Wilson and Vaughn play Billy and Nick, two salespeople and best friends who find themselves out of work and their jobs obsolete. Thanks to their charm and persuasive skills, they landed a coveted internship at Google. But they find themselves in competition with brilliant candidates who are more tech-savvy than they are. Together, they must utilize what they do best to compete as they struggle to keep up with the new digital age.

The Internship features the comedic styling you’d expect from Wilson and Vaughn, who have a disarming charisma, unparalleled improvisation skills, and witty buddy chemistry. It’s light-hearted fun that brings depth with themes about bettering yourself and finding common ground with others. But above all else, The Internship is a hilarious diversion for any movie night.

11 – Cars (2006)

Image Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

While the franchise has three films, the original Cars remains the most charming and funny of the series. The film follows a world inhabited by living cars. At the center of the story is Lighting McQueen, a hot-shot race car who learns a much-needed lesson in humility and friendship after he finds himself stranded in the small town of Radiator Springs. With the invention of the highway, the once-booming town on Route 66 has become forgotten. Filled with colorful characters, Cars is a real winner with some of any Pixar film’s finest animation and voice work.

12 – Night at the Museum Franchise (2006-2014)

night at the museum
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

In these fun, creative, and laugh-a-minute films, the famed Smithsonian Museum in New York City has an incredible secret discovered by its new night watchman Larry (Ben Stiller). In the wee hours of the AM, the museum’s exhibits come to life, making for many adventures throughout the three films.

Wilson plays Jedediah, a miniature cowboy who collaborates with a miniature Greek warrior (Steve Coogan) to help Larry with various sticky situations. Because of their diminutive size, the comedy runs high as their impact and enthusiasm is never quite what they imagine it to be. It’s a toss-up about which film is the best. Still, there’s something remarkable about the original and the second, The Battle of the Smithsonian. But each movie is a great deal of fun, riotous entertainment.

13 – Bottle Rocket (1996)

bottle rocket
Image Credit: Columbia Pictures

Bottle Rocket was the first film for Wilson and his frequent filmmaking partner, Wes Anderson. Because this was his first film, Anderson’s visual style was not yet fully realized. But story and character-wise, Bottle Rocket has that oddball Anderson tone.

The story follows three hapless thieves who plan a big heist but are distracted by romance, annoying neighbors, and their own inabilities. Co-starring Wilson’s brother Luke, Bottle Rocket may not be Anderson’s best. But its funny and eccentric characters are incredibly memorable.

14 – The Big Year (2011)

the big year
Image Credit: 20th Century Fox.

The Big Year is one of Wilson’s lesser-known movies, but it’s an underrated gem. The plot of the film is unlike any other. It follows three very different men who have one thing in common. They each are competing in what’s called abig year.This is a true-life competition that involves bird watchers trying to spot as many species of birds as possible in a given year.

Wilson plays Kenny, an arrogant bird enthusiast and current record holder, who has his priorities all wrong, neglecting his long-suffering wife. The film’s other protagonists are Stu (Steve Martin), a newly retired businessman living out his dream of competing in abig year,” and Brad (Jack Black), a recently divorced man struggling to get his father to understand his love of bird watching. The Big Year is a sweet-natured, funny little film with a stellar cast who have great comedic chemistry and showcases relatable life lessons. A bird-watching competition was never so hilarious and engaging.

15 – No Escape (2015)

no escape
Image Credit: The Weinstein Company.

No Escape is a riveting film with one of the most terrifying scenarios ever. In the movie, Wilson plays a man who uproots his wife and two young daughters to Asia for a job with a water company. Unknowingly they’ve arrived at an extremely volatile time. A coup is upon the country, and those involved blame Wilson’s company for the country’s problems.

They begin killing any foreigner on-site, leaving many in a race to survive. Wilson and his family must fight to survive as they attempt to flee the country with the help of a secret service agent (Pierce Brosnan). No Escape is a film that will terrify and anger viewers as we see a horrific situation, made even more frightening by the lack of understanding and motivation behind it. Some may criticize how quickly this is glossed over, but that only adds to the tension.

16 – Shanghai Noon (2000)

shanghai noon
Image Credit: Touchstone Pictures.

One of Wilson’s first bonafide hits as a leading man is this fun-filled comedy where he partners with the legendary Jackie Chan. In the film, the Chinese Princess Pei Pei (Lucy Liu) is kidnapped, and Chan’s character, Chon Wang, travels to the Old West to rescue her, feeling as if it’s his fault. Wanting to restore his honor, Chon is relentless in his pursuit, reluctantly teaming up with cowboy and train robber Roy O’Bannon (Wilson), who cares about adventure, the reward money, and ultimately his new friend.

The premise and the pairing of Wilson and Chan are so offbeat that it strangely makes the film work. Indeed, the comedic chemistry of the actors is both funny and surprisingly wholesome. Combining that with the dynamic action sequences Chan is known for made Shanghai Noon a tremendous hit and a film that still holds up as one of the funniest and most unique of the 2000s.

17 – Wedding Crashers (2005)

wedding crashers
Image Credit: New Line Cinema.

Wedding Crashers is another film that pairs Wilson with Vince Vaughn, and it’s one of his most memorable films. This raunchy comedy follows two men, John and Jeremy, who crash weddings to meet and seduce women. This incorrigible and deplorable behavior works for them until they crash the wedding of the Secretary of the Treasury’s daughter and become entangled with the Cleary family and their other two daughters, the sweet, level-headed Claire and wild, clingy Gloria.

Wedding Crashers presents an interesting dichotomy. While much of the film remains extremely funny, many aspects haven’t aged well and feel insensitive and outdated by today’s standards. Although some of that is the point, as John and Jeremy have a lot of learning to do, other things, such as murky scenes involving consent, can’t be ignored. Wedding Crashers can still be enjoyable, however, if you consider the context. It remains one of the films Wilson is most known for.

18 – Marry Me (2022)

marry me
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

Owen Wilson hasn’t made many rom-coms, which is a big shame. Marry Me isn’t the greatest romantic comedy, but it also has a lot of charm and sweetness. It follows a world-famous pop star (Jennifer Lopez) set to marry her boyfriend and music collaborator live in concert. When she discovers his infidelity moments before they say their vows, she throws caution to the wind. She says yes to a man holding aMarry Mesign in the audience. Holding said sign unknowingly is affable teacher Charlie, who was dragged to the concert by his daughter. The two begin a whirlwind romance to keep up appearances, and real feelings eventually blossom.

The story of Marry Me is completely outlandish and could only happen in the genre. But that is what makes it fun. It’s a complete fantasy kept afloat by Lopez and Wilson, especially who is utterly charming as a single father trying his best. Here’s hoping more rom-coms are in his future.

19 – Zoolander (2001)

Image Credit: Paramount Pictures.

Outlandish and over-the-top comedies are the bread and butter of Wilson, and another frequent partner, Ben Stiller. Zoolander tells the story of Derek Zoolander (Stiller), a clueless male model whose VHI Male Model of the Year title is usurped by his rival Hansel (Wilson). When fashion designer Mugatu (Will Ferrell) hires him, things seem to get back on track. But unknowingly, he is brainwashed to assassinate the Malaysian Prime Minister.

The plot of Zoolander is ridiculous, but what makes it work is how seriously the actors commit, especially Stiller and Wilson. It is a raucous comedy that only works because of the cast.

20 – Meet the Parents (2000)

meet the parents
Image Credit: Universal Pictures.

Silly comedies with underlying heart are always enjoyable, especially films like Meet the Parents. The film’s premise isn’t revolutionary, but it’s a relatable concept bolstered by an exceptional cast that includes Wilson, Ben Stiller, and Robert DeNiro. The story involves a man who goes home with his girlfriend to meet her family, instantly clashing with her overbearing father. Stiller and DeNiro are the film’s stars, but Wilson has a smaller but memorable and funny role as the seemingly perfect ex-boyfriend to comedic perfection.

21 – Starsky and Hutch (2004)

starsky and hutch
Image Credit: Warner Bros. Entertainment and Miramax Film Corp.

Based on the 1970s tv show of the same name, Starsky and Hutch tells the hilarious tale of two police detectives in the fictional town ofBad City.The two are polar opposites but make a dynamic team thanks to their unique partnership and reliable informer, “Huggie Bear.

Fans of the original series will particularly enjoy this comedy, which has a hefty dose of silly scenarios and action sequences. The film’s greatest attribute is the chemistry between Wilson and Ben Stiller, who give their characters just the right amount of ridiculous humor.

22 – The Haunting (1999)

the haunting
Image Credit: Dreamworks, LLC.

The Haunting is a film that is often criticized, mainly because it pales in comparison to the original movie from 1963. While this remake lacks the tension and fear of the unknown that the original had, this remake is not without its merits.

The story involves a group of strangers hired as part of a research assignment on fear. They must stay in the creepy mansion, Hill House. Soon these test subjects (Wilson, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Lili Taylor) and the professor in charge (Liam Neeson) find the house haunted by malevolent spirits who trap them inside, start to drive them mad, and even threaten their lives.

Whether you find this film scary will depend on the viewer, but it does have a genuinely creepy and unsettling atmosphere. Wilson provides the film with much-needed comic relief and, with the other cast, helps to make The Haunting an engaging and effective ghost story.

23 – Shanghai Knights (2003)

shanghai knights
Image Credit: Touchstone Pictures.

The sequel to Shanghai Noon, this film takes Roy and Chon to London after Chon’s estranged father is murdered and his killer flees to England. Also on his tail is Chon’s sister, and together the three discover a plot to assassinate the royal family.

Featuring the same affable comedy and fantastically choreographed action sequences as the original movie, Shanghai Knights is just as hilarious and remains a goofy delight.

24 – Armageddon (1998)

Image Credit: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

Armageddon is a film as classically Michael Bay as they come. It features an unbelievable plot about a meteor on a collision course with Earth and the oil drilling team sent into space to deal with it. It’s ridiculously over-the-top and cheesy, but if you go with it, despite its complete lack of subtlety, the movie can be enjoyable.

The film’s finest aspect is, without a doubt, the fun mix of characters and a terrific cast that includes Bruce Willis, Ben Affleck, Liv Tyler, Steve Buscemi, Billy Bob Thornton, Michael Clarke Duncan, and Wilson. The star in question has a funny role as a smart-mouthed Texan, but it’s much too small. Despite that, Armageddon is fun and surprisingly emotional entertainment.

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