Tyler Perry Loses $100k Bid on Nipsey Hussle Portrait at Tina Knowles' Gala « $60 ミラクルマネーメーカー

Tyler Perry Loses $100k Bid on Nipsey Hussle Portrait at Tina Knowles' Gala

Posted On Jun 2, 2019 エイブラハム・ラック著 コメントを受け付けていません の上 Tyler Perry Loses $100k Bid on Nipsey Hussle Portrait at Tina Knowles' Gala

Tina Knowles hosted, Beyonce and Jay-Z danced and Tyler Perry came thiiiis close to dropping six-figures for a portrait of Nipsey Hussle. Yeah, it was that kinda party! Tina and her husbandRichard Lawson, held their annual Wearable Art Gala


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