Social Networking – 5 Killer Marketing Tips to Boost Your Social Networking Traffic « $60 ミラクルマネーメーカー

Social Networking – 5 Killer Marketing Tips to Boost Your Social Networking Traffic

Posted On Jun 1, 2015 による 管理者 コメントを受け付けていません の上 Social Networking – 5 Killer Marketing Tips to Boost Your Social Networking Traffic

Most of you have heard of the web 2.0 development and its importance to internet marketers. A number of new tools have evolved in the context of web 2.0 transition and are considered wonder machines to increase traffic. Social networks is one such tool to boost web traffic. The five tips given below can help you achieve great heights using social networks to boost web traffic.

1. Use Blogs

Blogs have evolved as an excellent marketing tool under the social networks banner and can boost web traffic to dizzy heights when properly utilized. Ensure that your blogs have effective SEO techniques employed, and build in as much informative content as possible.

2. Use Tags

Tags determine the relevance of the topic and hence use the tags extensively in labeling your blogs or news items. Search engines too use the tags to decide relevance.

3. Pinging

Pinging can enhance the visibility of your blog. Pinging, in simple terms mean sending a notice to social networking sites and search engines informing updated status of your blog/website. But the notice should concern addition of genuine content only.

4. Use only white hat techniques

Social networks can boost web traffic and quickly change the fortunes of your website. だけど, for lasting success, you should only employ white hat techniques and not adopt means of instant success (black hat) which can only potentially land you in trouble.

5. Spread your content to millions

Using your blogs, MySpace, RSS feed or Facebook you can carry your contents to several million users with minimal effort.

Source by Fabian Tan

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