Rob Gronkowski's Bro Says Tampa Reunion W/ Brady Is Unlikely, I'd Be Shocked « $60 ミラクルマネーメーカー

Rob Gronkowski's Bro Says Tampa Reunion W/ Brady Is Unlikely, I'd Be Shocked

投稿日: 3月 24, 2020 エイブラハム・ラック著 コメントを受け付けていません の上 Rob Gronkowski's Bro Says Tampa Reunion W/ Brady Is Unlikely, I'd Be Shocked

ごめんなさい, Bucs fansTom Brady almost certainly ain’t bringing Rob Gronkowski to Tampa this seasonGronk’s bro tells TMZ Sports he thinks the TE is officially DONE with football. “I can’t say anything for him,” Chris Gronkowski says. “だけど, I


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