Marilyn Monroe 'Niagara' Negatives Could Fetch $50k at Auction « $60 ミラクルマネーメーカー

Marilyn Monroe 'Niagara' Negatives Could Fetch $50k at Auction

投稿日: 3月 2, 2020 エイブラハム・ラック著 コメントを受け付けていません の上 Marilyn Monroe 'Niagara' Negatives Could Fetch $50k at Auction

Marilyn Monroe’s time behind-the-scenes of the 1953 film, “Niagara,” was captured by a photographer, and his huge set of photographic negatives is up for grabsbut it won’t come cheap. The pics — 227 total, 198 of which depict Marilynwere


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