4 Color: The colors of the Earth are all here and particularily vibrant. The col… « $60 ミラクルマネーメーカー

4 Color: The colors of the Earth are all here and particularily vibrant. The col

投稿日: 4月 30, 2020 By Fran Doolan コメントを受け付けていません の上 4 Color: The colors of the Earth are all here and particularily vibrant. The col


4 Color: The colors of the Earth are all here and particularily vibrant. The color of the background is very dark, probably to make the rest of the color pop like in Figure 6-24 of our readings. This ad has a message for the entire world; the analogy is that temperatures are rising and melting like an ice-cream cone. This symbol is relatable because at least in Western culture, we all grew up knowing what ice-cream is. WWF ad

Source by lisalockworth

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