The Scope Of Digital Marketing

Inserito il marzo 5, 2020 Di amministratore Con Commenti disabilitati SU The Scope Of Digital Marketing

Do you want to make a career in Digital Marketing but don’t have a clear idea about how effective it will be?

Are you wondering whether Digital Marketing will be a stable career option for you?

Don’t worry!
You will get to know some facts in this video, which will help you decide, whether this Industry is the one for you or not!

1) Digital Marketing has gone Mainstream:

Yes, Digital Marketing has gone mainstream. In today’s Digital Age, customers trust only the brands, which are active online and are recommended by their friends online!

2) Increase in Digital Marketing Jobs:

There are more than 40,000 Digital Marketing jobs listed on right now in India. Out of which more than 17,000 jobs are in Social Media Marketing alone! There are more than 11,000 jobs in SEO category too.

This speaks volumes about the demand for Digital Marketing professionals in India. Così, How about being the Next Digital Marketing Manager!?

There are many more reasons describing the great scope for Digital Marketing in India. Watch the video till end to know all of them.

Here’s an OFFER for you. Register for a FREE Digital Marketing Orientation webinar by Pradeep Chopra (CEO, Digital Vidya), if you want to have a better understanding about Digital Marketing:

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