Internet advertising and social media predictions Workshops and Webinars- 403-246-7386 « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Internet advertising and social media predictions Workshops and Webinars- 403-246-7386

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Internet marketing and social media predictions Workshops and webinars

Internet marketing and social media predictions for 2013!

It is that time of year again where we try to predict the future and look forward to all of the social media and Internet marketing for B2B companies for 2013. These are not pie-in-the-sky predictions, but based on observing how B2B companies have adopted social media over the past year. When we look back at 2013, we will see a banner year with explosive growth in B2B social media. In many areas there will be continued gradual growth started in 2012 or earlier. If you have your own predictions or you disagree with ours, please let us know.

What should your company do in 2013 that is different for social media and Internet marketing? That is the question that most businesses are hopefully starting to think about now In December 2012.
This is not a shot-in-the-dark exercise, but one based on observing how B2B companies have adopted social media over the past year. I believe there’s going to be a whole new convergence of social media and Internet marketing like never before.
Video marketing is going to be huge, Twitter is going to have a more prominent role in companies who never used to before and connecting with your clients or your potential clients via social media is good be critical for companies who want to see explosive growth in 2013.

Internet marketing and social media predictions for 2013
1. There will be huge growth in using social media for lead generation. Companies who realize that social media is a unlimited gold mine of leads and the ones who focus on learning how to use social media to generate leads will be the winners in 2013.

Social media, including LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook will provide new and lower cost opportunities for B2B companies to generate leads, and the adoption of this continues to be slower than social media advocates would have you believe. Many B2B marketers still struggle to get the mechanics, tools and resources in place to build a robust social media lead generation program. More B2B companies will see success in generating leads with social media, and the ones who take it to the next level will be the serious winners in 2013.
2. B2B CEOs will remain on educated and skeptical about social media.

It amazes me that so many large companies still have not jumped on the Internet marketing and social media bandwagon. I can’t tell you how many companies who generate $30-$40 million a year. Still haven’t embraced Internet marketing, social media, and using their website to market their companies in a robust way. The disconnect between B2B marketers and their CEO about the value and application of social media will remain. Just like with the adoption of social media lead generation, there will be slight improvement, but it will not be a banner year. Many CMOs have seen the light, but there is not enough evidence from inside and outside the organization to convince the CEO. They will need another year of the pain of higher cost and inefficient lead programs before shifting to more cost effective social media marketing.

There is still a tremendous amount of work for B2B marketers to do in 2013, but we know you can do it with planning, remarkable content, marketing and sales alignment and executive buy-in.

Allan Fine

The Executive Edge


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