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How To Make Money At Home ✥ Want ✥ How To Make Money At Home To Pay Off Debt ✥ How To Make Money At

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The number of home businesses continues to grow due to the increases in technology. In Great Britain, 8 million people were running an online home-based business as of April 2013.

While working a set number of hours is not a sign of productivity, it is a structure that helps many entrepreneurs balance work and home life. I spend two months every summer working from home. Being clear about my working hours keeps me focused and helps my kids know when I’m not available to play with them, which minimizes interruptions.—Mamie Kanfer Stewart

The trick to productivity is to get focused. In my home, this meant creating a clear cognitive gap between where I live, hang out, eat and play from the space I tackle to-do lists from. At first, it was hard to avoid taking meals to my desk or watching an episode of VICE as a break, but after taking responsibility for this separation of work and home, my results started to accelerate.—Jasnik Parmar

For many work-from-home entrepreneurs, work bleeds into all hours of the day (and night). Rather than leaving an office and leaving work behind, it’s always with you. Counterintuitively, this leads to less productivity because you’re often half working. Creating a shutdown ritual for the end of the day allows you to focus deeply during work hours and recharge effectively the rest of the time. —Zach Obront

The concept of home-based business, as opposed to the previous terminology of “cottage industry”, first appeared in 1978. The phrase was coined by Marion Behr, the originator of a study to find out what businesses women throughout America were carrying on in their homes. The preview edition of Enterprising Women wrote about the search to gather information pertaining to home workers throughout the nation. Numerous magazines and organizations helped to disseminate information regarding the study. Ultimately 40,000 letters were received, many indicating the problems the respondents experienced while carrying on businesses from their homes.

You have to be very disciplined to work from home. If you don’t maintain a very strict schedule, you can find yourself becoming easily distracted, completely ruining your productivity. It helps to have a dedicated workspace, rather than sitting in front of the TV with your laptop. Create a home office that mimics a real office and have set hours that you follow daily. —Jonathan Long

I can attest that getting outside will happen a lot less when you’re in the comfort of your own home rather than in an office, but I’ve found that my best ideas and inspirations come when I’m experiencing new environments. Studies have found that even taking an outdoor walk can fire up new synapses to boost your creativity and inspiration. You need to make this a concerted effort.—Elle Kaplan

You have to figure out what eats up your time, and cut out all unnecessary activities. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to understand the value of time, spending it on tasks that only you can do. Delegate the things that you’re not really good at, so you can focus on more important tasks.—Daisy Jing


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