One factor that Google+ has going for it (and it’s benefiting from it, t… « $60 Keajaiban Money Maker

One factor that Google+ has going for it (and it’s benefiting from it, t…

Posted On Dec 7, 2019 Oleh admin Dengan Komentar Dinonaktifkan pada One factor that Google+ has going for it (and it’s benefiting from it, t…

One thing that Google+ has going for it (and it’s making the most of it, too) is total integration with its other services. And the biggie here is search. This infographic shows the results of a recent test on the effects of using the major social networks, to share websites to see if there was any rise in search traffic. While most social sites resulted in some increase, Google+ came out on top with a 14.6 average rise in organic search position across the test sites used in this experiment.

Source by timothyjreeves

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