New 21 Savage Mug Shot for Felony Theft, Missed Concert Case

Posted On Feb 19, 2019 Oleh admin Dengan Komentar Dinonaktifkan pada New 21 Savage Mug Shot for Felony Theft, Missed Concert Case

21 Savage

New Mug Shot for Missed Concert Case …

I’m So Over It!!!

2/19/2019 1:04 PM PST


area rapper21 Savage‘s face kinda says it all — 2 days after ICE finally released him, he had to pose for this mug shot in his felony theft case. Sooo … zero reason to smile.

As we first reported, the rapper turned himself in to cops last Friday in southern Georgia. He was booked for theft by deception for allegedly skipping out on a 2016 concert.

The case came up again after his ICE arrest, because the concert promoter, Karen Smith, decided to go after him for the $17k she says he made off with when he bailed on the show.

Smith says 21 demanded he be allowed to carry a gun onstage — which she caved to — but says he bounced when he got annoyed about the opening act, who was a local rapper.

A warrant for 21 Savage’s arrest had been sitting for at least 2 years, and he surrendered last week at the Liberty County Sheriff’s Department.

Considering he’d just been released from an ICE facility on bond, it’s no surprise he didn’t look pleased in the mug. He was booked and released within half an hour.

Tautan sumber

Berbagi adalah peduli!

Tautan sumber

komentar ditutup.


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