Luke Bryan Falls Exhausting Onstage, Laughs It Off « $60 Keajaiban Money Maker

Luke Bryan Falls Exhausting Onstage, Laughs It Off

Posted On Apr 21, 2024 Oleh admin Dengan Komentar Dinonaktifkan pada Luke Bryan Falls Exhausting Onstage, Laughs It Off

Luke Bryan‘s proving the show must go on … ’cause he slipped during last night’s performance and crashed to the ground hard — but, took the incident in stride.

The country music singer-songwriter performed at the Coast City Country Festival in Vancouver last night … and while hyping up his next song Bryan stepped in the wrong spot and went flying into the air.

Check out the clip … Bryan looks like a cartoon stepping on a banana peel, really getting some height on his slip — and, revealing he actually stepped on someone’s phone.

LB could’ve gotten seriously hurt, but he pops up pretty quickly and laughs it off … before asking if anyone had captured the insane moment.

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