Improving Online Marketing of Real Estate « $60 Keajaiban Money Maker

Improving Online Marketing of Real Estate

Diposting Pada Bulan Mei 6, 2020 Oleh admin Dengan Komentar Dinonaktifkan pada Improving Online Marketing of Real Estate

Simon Bray, the CEO of, discusses how agents should improve their overall online marketing – especially in a post-pandemic world. is based out of Vancouver, Canada. It is one of the leading property portals and serves key markets in Canada.

Simon was interviewed as part of the Building Marketplaces in Challenging Times series and shared his thoughts on the Canadian market, the impact of the virus on the agents, how their business could change, and what the industry would look like in the future.

This highlight looks at how agents should improve their overall online marketing – especially in a post-pandemic world

Full interview –
REW website –

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