Tips on how to Make Cash Promoting Stickers on Etsy in 2022 (Step by Step Information) « $60 Keajaiban Money Maker

Tips on how to Make Cash Promoting Stickers on Etsy in 2022 (Step by Step Information)

Posted On Aug 8, 2022 Oleh admin Dengan Komentar Dinonaktifkan pada Tips on how to Make Cash Promoting Stickers on Etsy in 2022 (Step by Step Information)

Here's how you can make money making and selling DIY stickers on Etsy...If you are looking to make more money, one side hustle you might be considering is selling stickers on Etsy.

After all, Etsy is an incredibly popular platform. There are 96.3 million active buyers on Etsy. And, di dalam 2021, Etsy’s annual marketplace revenue was $1.7 billion!

Jadi, if you want to take advantage of this huge marketplace, then this is the post for you.

Today’s post is all about how to make money on Etsy by selling stickers. Below, you’ll find a step-by-step guide that tells you everything you need to know about how to make and sell stickers on Etsy, as well as tips for selling that can help you to grow your business.

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popular platform. As I mentioned before, Etsy has 96.3 million active buyers. That’s a lot of potential customers you can get your stickers in front of.

Sure, selling stickers on your own website is a good option, but you have to drive customers to your store. Etsy already gets lots of visitors.

Also, setting up your own storefront is time-consuming, and it can be difficult. Setting up an Etsy store, on the other hand, is much simpler.

Stickers are one of the best-selling items on there

There are lots of places to sell stickers, but since Etsy already has a large existing market, it’s a great option. What makes it even better is the fact that stickers are one of the most popular items on there.

According to eRank, a website all about keyword research and SEO specifically for Etsy, the most popular store on the platform is PlannerKate1.

And, what does PlannerKate1 sell?

Planner stickers!

Jadi, stickers do sell on Etsy!

You get lots of control over your store

Etsy gives you a lot of control over your store. Jadi, you get to choose things like how your storefront looks, the images you add to your listings, and even whether you want to offer promos and discounts to your customers. You can even take advantage of Etsy ads if you want to. It’s all up to you.

How Much Money Can You Make Selling Stickers on Etsy?

With Etsy, the sky is the limit. If your store ranks well on Etsy and your designs are popular, you could make a pretty big income. You could make $1,000s selling stickers on Etsy.

Kate Antesberger, who runs PlannerKate1, made $2.5 million on Etsy di dalam 2020 alone!

Tentu saja, she runs the most popular store on Etsy so you’re unlikely to make that amount – at least not when you’re first starting out anyway!

Now you know why you should sell stickers on Etsy and how much money you could make, it’s time to get started with actually making and selling your stickers.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell stickers on Etsy…

Step One: Get Some Ideas

The first step is to decide which types of stickers you want to sell. You need to come up with some ideas so that you can get started with selling stickers on your Etsy store.

Consider what types of stickers you want to sell

There are lots of different types of stickers you can sell.

Here are some things to consider:

  • Do you want to sell stickers that people can stick on items like laptops or their phone case?
  • Do you want to sell planner or journal stickers, which include not only decorative stickers, but more practical ones, like numbers for marking dates in the week, month names, and stickers that say things like “To-Do” or “Shopping?
  • Perhaps you want to do a mix of stickers?

Consider the style of stickers you want to sell

Also, it’s not just the type of stickers that you want to sell that you need to consider, but also the style.

Sebagai contoh, you could make:

  • Contemporary-style stickers
  • Whimsical-style stickers
  • Cute-style stickers
  • Vintage-style stickers

There are lots of different options when it comes to stickers. Obviously, your own tastes will factor into what types of stickers you decide to sell. After all, you are the one who’s creating and selling them, so you may want to design the type and style of stickers that you like.

Namun, it’s not just your own tastes that you should consider. You should also consider what’s popular.

After all, if you’re looking to make money, it’s not just about what types of stickers you like, but also what’s popular right now on the market. Because, if a particular type of sticker, like planner stickers, or style of stickers, like contemporary-style stickers are popular on Etsy, then you know that these types of stickers are actually selling.

Jadi, consider what types of stickers are popular.

An easy way to do this is to head on over to Etsy and see what types of stickers other people have for sale. This will help you to see what’s trending now.

Once you know which types of stickers you’re going to sell, create a list of ideas.

Step Two: Create or Hire Someone to Design Stickers for You

Now that you have decided on the types of stickers you want to sell, it’s time to start creating some designs.

Sekarang, you have three options for designing stickers:

  1. Design your own stickers
  2. Buy sticker designs
  3. Pay someone to design the stickers for you

I will cover all of these options in more detail below so that you can decide which one works best for you.

Option One: Design your own stickers

You could design your own stickers. This is the cheapest option, as you aren’t having to pay any money to purchase the sticker designs or have someone design them for you.

Being the cheapest option isn’t the only benefit to designing your own stickers either.

Having your own designs can set your business apart. After all, if you purchase designs, other people could have also purchased the same designs, meaning that your stickers won’t look particularly original when they go up for sale.

There are A LOT of sellers on Etsy, so anything you can do to make yourself stand out is a good idea.

When you design your own stickers, you’ll have unique stickers that no one else will have. This is a great way to set yourself apart from the outset.

Sekarang, designing your own stickers requires artistic skill. Jadi, if you’re likely me and you’re not particularly good at art, then I would consider other options.

If you are going to design your own stickers, here’s how you can do it.

How to design your own stickers

If you’re going to design your own stickers, then you will need to use design software. There are a lot of options out there.

You can use more advanced programs, such as Adobe Illustrator. Tapi, unless you’re already knowledgeable about the program, it can be complicated. It takes time to learn how to use it, but there are lots of guides online that can help you out.

Adobe Illustrator isn’t free though. It can cost more than $200.

Another option is Adobe Photoshop. Again, though, like all Adobe programs, Photoshop can be expensive.

If you want to try Adobe programs, but don’t want to have to spend $100s upfront, then consider subscribing to Adobe Creative Cloud instead.

With Adobe Creative Cloud, you just pay a monthly subscription fee, and you get access to either individual Adobe programs, or all of them, depending on the membership option you choose.

With your subscription, you get access to the latest version of Adobe’s programs, all for a set monthly fee, and you can cancel your subscription at any time.

Although these design programs are good, you don’t have to use fancy software to be successful selling stickers on Etsy.

In fact, you can get design software for free!

Here are some free design programs you can use:

Consider getting a drawing tablet too

Also, in addition to using design software, you might want to use a drawing tablet. Drawing tablets allow you to draw your sticker designs and work well with design programs. Wacom tablets are good.

Option Two: Buy sticker designs

Okay, so the second option is to purchase readymade sticker designs. This is a good option if you don’t have the design skills required to create your own sticker designs, or if you just don’t want to design your own stickers – perhaps you just don’t have the time.

Here are some places where you can purchase readymade sticker designs:

Sekarang, while it’s really convenient to purchase stickers, they’re not unique. Jadi, they’re not going to be exclusive to your shop. Like I said earlier, there are a lot of sellers on Etsy, so making sure your stickers stand out is important. Some companies will sell custom designs too, but these cost more.

When you’re just starting out and want a lot of designs quickly, you may want to purchase designs.

Option Three: Pay someone to design stickers for you

You could pay someone to design your stickers for you.

This combines the best parts of one and two. You will get the unique designs you’d have if you had designed them yourself, but the convenience of having someone else create the designs for you.

You’ll be able to let the designer know which types of stickers you want, and they will create the designs for you.

You can hire designers on:

Step Three: Make the Stickers

Once you have your sticker designs, you will have to actually make them.

There are a few different stickers you can make such as:

  • Clear
  • Glossy
  • Holographic
  • Matte
  • Vinyl

Also, there are different types of sticker cuts as well, such as:

  • Kiss cut: With kiss cut stickers, the cut is made through the top layer, but not the paper backing. Jadi, when the sticker is removed from the paper, the backing and border remain behind. The kiss cut method is good as it can be used to make sheets of stickers that contain multiple designs.
  • Die cut: Die cut stickers are cut to match the exact shape of your sticker. This means that if, for example, your sticker design is a triangle, then it would be cut out to conform to that shape. Or, if it includes a more complex design, such as flowers or leaves, then the sticker would be cut to fit that shape.

Sekarang, you will need to print out the stickers and cut them, and there are a couple of options for doing so:

  1. Print stickers and cut them at home
  2. Outsource the printing

Below, I’ll cover both options in detail.

How to print stickers at home

If you are just starting out with selling stickers on Etsy and your budget is pretty tight, then printing stickers yourself can be a good idea. It’s the cheapest option.

This method involves printing the stickers and home and cutting them yourself.

Sekarang, this does involve an upfront cost, because you will need to have the right equipment and supplies to make the stickers yourself.

Once you have purchased the equipment and supplies though, you will be able to print out and cut as many stickers as you need right from home.

Your only recurring cost will be the paper you use to print the stickers on and the ink you use to print them.

Here’s what you’ll need to make your stickers:

Printer and ink

To make stickers, you’ll need a printer and printer ink. You can pick them up at a reasonable price on Amazon. Both laser printers and inkjet printers work well. Namun, laser printers do print faster and are usually able to print more sheets before they run out of ink. Also, laser printers can also offer better quality prints than inkjet printers.

Laser printers tend to be more expensive though. Jadi, if your budget is tight, then an inkjet printer is a better option.

Inkjet printers are cheaper to buy, and you may already have one anyway.

Printer ink can be relatively expensive. Jadi, it’s important to factor in the cost of it when you are pricing your stickers for sale.

Sticker paper

You will also need sticker paper.

There are a few different types of paper available. It’s important to use sticker paper that is compatible with your printer.

You can purchase sticker paper that is made specifically for use in inkjet printers and sticker paper that’s made specifically for use in laser printers. There’s also paper that can be used in both types of printers.

It can be a good idea to run a few test prints using different settings and different types of paper so you can see what works best.

Here are the types of paper you can get:

  • Matte sticker paper: You can get this on Amazon pretty cheap, and it’s pretty good quality too.
  • Glossy sticker paper: This is shinier sticker paper that, again, you can get on Amazon for an affordable price.
  • Holographic paper: This paper is ideal if you want your stickers to have a bold look. Namun, it is not quite as versatile as matte paper and glossy paper are.
  • Printable vinyl sticker paper: This is a more durable type of sticker paper. Jadi, it’s ideal if you are looking to make and sell stickers for things like water bottles and phone cases, which tend to endure more wear and tear, compared to something like a planner or journal would. It can cost a little more to create vinyl stickers, but you are also able to charge more for them given that they’re so durable. Amazon, again, is a good place to get vinyl sticker paper for cheap. And, shipping is free if you’re a Prime member.

Cutting tools

You will also need something to cut your stickers with once they are printed out.

You have a couple of different options:

Cutting machines

Using a cutting machine is one option. There are lots of them available.

The two main brands are:

These machines can cut precise shapes out of paper and other materials.

With these machines, you can print out your stickers on your printer and use the machine to cut them for you.

Just place the printed sheet in a cutting machine, like the Cricut or Silhouette, and it will cut around the stickers to make the final product.

These machines are good once you know how to use them, but calibrating the cutting machine can take time.

If you are looking to sell stickers on Etsy, using a cutting machine is a great idea because the stickers they cut look professional.

Sadly, these machines are on the pricier side. Jadi, if you are on a tight budget, try the next option instead.

A cutting mat and a craft knife

Cutting machines are expensive, which isn’t ideal when you’re first starting out, or when your budget is tight. If you don’t have the funds to buy a sticker cutting machine, then a cutting mat and craft knife are a great option.

You can also get away with using a pair of scissors, although a craft knife tends to be more precise.

Sekarang, it’s important to note that there is a learning curve with cutting out stickers neatly. Just take your time cutting the stickers out, because if you cut the stickers wrong, you won’t be able to fix it. The more stickers you cut out, the better you will get at it.

How to outsource sticker making

While printing out and cutting out the stickers yourself is the cheapest option, it does require quite a bit of effort. Jadi, if you are short on time, or the DIY sticker route just seems like way too much effort, then you might want to consider outsourcing.

You can pay a company to print the stickers for you.

All you need to do is upload your designs, and the company will print, cut, and mail you the stickers. These stickers are of great quality and come in a variety of different finishes.

Companies that print stickers for you

There are quite a lot of sticker printing companies available, which is great!

Here are some of the most popular…

1. Sticker Mule

Sticker Mule is a really popular sticker printing company. With it, you can order stickers online, and there’s a four-day turnaround. Shipping is free.

Sticker Mule will turn your designs and illustrations into custom stickers.

There are tons of different sticker types available, such as:

  • Bumper stickers
  • Circle stickers
  • Clear stickers
  • Die cut stickers
  • Front adhesive stickers
  • Holographic stickers
  • Kiss cut stickers
  • Oval stickers
  • Rectangle stickers
  • Rounded corner stickers
  • Square stickers
  • Static clings
  • Sticker sheets
  • Transfer stickers
  • Vinyl lettering

Sticker Mule allows you to print custom stickers in any shape or size on vinyl.

Also, the company’s stickers feature a laminate, which protects them from exposure to wind, rain, and sunlight. Sticker Mule is on the more expensive side though.

The price varies depending on the type of stickers you order and the number of stickers you order.

Here are some examples:

  • For 10, 4″ x 6″ sticker sheets, it costs $33.
  • For 50, 3″ x 3″ kiss cut stickers, it costs $72.
  • For 50, 3″ x 3″ die cut stickers, it costs $72.

2. Sticker Ninja

Another option is Sticker Ninja.

This popular company allows you to have lots of different stickers printed out, such as:

  • Die cut stickers
  • Kiss cut stickers
  • Sticker sheets
  • Bumper stickers
  • Sticker business cards

Finishes that are available include glossy and matte.

The company’s stickers are durable, UV protected, waterproof, and don’t rub off.

The cost of the stickers varies, depending on the type, size, and the number of stickers that you order.

Here are some examples:

  • For 25, 4″ x 6″ glossy sticker sheets, it costs $50.31
  • For 50, 4″ x 4″ matte, circle, die cut stickers, it costs $59.50
  • For 50, 4″ x 4″ matte, circle, kiss cut stickers, it costs $59.50
3. StickerGiant

StickerGiant has lots of different types of stickers and labels available to order, such as:

  • Die cut stickers
  • Kiss cut stickers
  • Glossy white labels
  • Matte labels
  • Clear stickers
  • Paper labels
  • Clear labels

Shipping is free, which is awesome.

Again, like with most of these companies the price for stickers varies depending on the type, size, and number of stickers you order.

Here are some examples:

  • For 125, 4″ x 4″, matte, die cut, custom-shape stickers, it costs $122.71.
  • For 125, 1″ x 1″ glossy, circle, kiss cut stickers, it costs $95.15.
  • For 125, 2″ x 1″ rectangle, clear stickers, it costs $99.19.

While StickerGiant does have larger order minimums, 125 stickers minimum, the price per sticker works out slightly cheaper compared to other companies.

Printing stickers and home vs. outsourcing sticker making

There are pros and cons to printing at home and to outsourcing sticker making.

Pros of Printing stickers at home

Printing stickers at home can be beneficial for a number of reasons:

  • It’s cheaper than having a sticker company do it for you.
  • You get complete control over the entire process.
  • You don’t have to sit on any inventory. You can simply print out the stickers when an order comes in.

Cons of Printing stickers at home

There are a few downsides to printing the stickers at home:

  • If your Etsy store takes off and you start getting a lot of orders, printing and cutting stickers yourself may not be practical timewise. It may be difficult to fulfill all of the orders yourself.
  • It can take a while to learn how to calibrate the cutting machine so that it cuts your stickers correctly, or to cut the stickers out neatly with a craft knife.

Pros of outsourcing

Here’s why you might want to outsource the sticker making process:

  • When you outsource sticker printing, you don’t have to put time into printing out the stickers and cutting them yourself. This can be time-consuming. Jadi, outsourcing the process can save you time.
  • You don’t have to worry about cutting the stickers out neatly or calibrating a cutting machine to get a product that looks good.

Cons of outsourcing

The main con to outsourcing sticker printing is that it’s expensive.

The prices that these companies charge for printing and cutting your stickers can really eat into your profits. You can increase the price of your stickers to cover the cost of these services. Namun, customers want good value.

If you sell a sticker set for $20 because you used a sticker printing service like Sticker Mule and need to cover the cost, and someone else on Etsy is selling a similar set for just $10 because they’ve printed and cut the stickers themselves, then the customer is probably going to go with the cheaper option.

Stickers that have been printed professionally can look better, so you may be able to charge higher rates for them, but only to a certain extent. There’s a limit on what customers are willing to pay.

It’s really important that you weigh up the pros and cons of printing and cutting stickers yourself vs. having a company print and cut your stickers for you.

Step Four: Start Selling Your Stickers

Before you start selling on Etsy, if you don’t have one yet, you need to create an Etsy store.

How to set up your Etsy store

Before you create your shop, you will need to sign in or create an Etsy account. You will use this account to run your shop and to purchase items from other makers on Etsy – if you want to, of course.

After creating your account, you can add your profile picture and bio to let other people in the Etsy community know who you are.

Here’s how you can create your Etsy shop:

  1. Mengunjungi com/sell, and select, “Get Started.”
  2. Select your shop language, country, and currency. Then click, “Save and continue.”
  3. Choose your shop name, and then click, “Save and continue.”

You will need to complete the first step of opening your shop on a desktop web browser. After your shop is open, you can manage your shop on the Sell on Etsy app.

How to list stickers in your Etsy store

Once your store is set up, you will be able to start listing items for sale. It’s important to note that in order to get paid on Etsy, you will need to connect your bank account to your Etsy shop.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. On, click on, “Shop Manager.” If you’re on the Sell on Etsy App, then tap “More.”
  2. Click, “Listings.” If you are a new seller, then click, “Your Shop.”
  3. Click, “Add a listing.” If you’re on the Sell on Etsy app, then tap the, “+” icon.

Then, you will be able to create your listing. You’ll be able to add photos and video, choose a thumbnail image, describe your listing, set up shipping, and more. Etsy actually has a really helpful guide for listing an item for sale, so check that out Di Sini.

Etsy fees

Okay, so it’s important to note that Etsy does have some fees.

Here’s what to expect:

Listing fees

When you list an item for sale, you’re charged a listing fee. You’re charged $0.20 for each item that you list for sale on or Etsy’s mobile apps.

If you list multiple quantities of the same item, then the initial listing fee will be $0.20, and then the listing will be automatically renewed at $0.20 after each of the items sell.

Transaction fees

When you make a sale, Etsy charges you a transaction fee of 6.5% of the price you display for each listing plus the amount you charge for delivery and gift wrapping.

Offsite ads fee

Etsy also pays to advertise your products across the internet through offsite ads. If you make a sale from one of these ads, then you will also pay a 15% offsite ads fee.


Because this is your own business, you will be responsible for collecting and paying any taxes associated with using and making sales through Etsy’s services.

Etsy will issue 1099-K forms to certain sellers to comply with IRS and state requirements. You may opt in at any time to receive your 1099-K form electronically. You can learn more about taxes on your Etsy income Di Sini.

Shipping fees

In most cases, it’s the customer that pays for shipping. Jadi, you can add this on top of your sticker prices. Or you can offer free shipping.

It’s up to you whether you pay shipping fees, or the customer does.

Keep in mind that paying shipping fees will cut into your profits, and it’s often recommended that the buyer pay for shipping.

Step Five: Ship Your Stickers

Okay, so once your stickers sell, you will need to ship them to the buyer. You will need to handle packing and shipping.

One of the good things about selling stickers is that since they are light and fairly compact, shipping them is pretty easy.

Shipping larger items can get costly because they are more difficult and expensive to ship.

Usually, all you’ll need to ship your stickers is a stamp, which keeps costs low for customers. Tentu saja, you’ll need to ensure your stickers are well packaged.

Shipping options on Etsy

It’s up to you whether you want to have the customer pay for shipping. You can also offer free shipping.

You can sign up to offer a free shipping guarantee.

According to Etsy, this gives your products priority placement in US shoppers’ Etsy search results.

Basically, the free shipping guarantee lets shoppers in the United States know that they won’t pay added shipping costs on orders worth $35 or more that ship within or to the US. Learn more about the free shipping guarantee on Etsy Di Sini.

You can purchase USPS Shipping Labels on Etsy. According to Etsy, you can save up to 30% more than the USPS retail rates you would pay at the post office or elsewhere online. Learn more about purchasing USPS Shipping Labels on Etsy Di Sini.

Handily enough, Etsy allows you to create shipping profiles. With shipping profiles, you can use the same shipping settings for multiple listings. This can save you time when you’re adding products to your shop.

Sekarang, Etsy says that when setting shipping rates, it’s important to, “Consider how to be competitive and entice buyers.”

The company says that high shipping prices can make customers less likely to buy. Etsy says, In fact, shoppers on Etsy are 20% more likely to complete their purchase when the item ships for free.”

Sekarang, when I did some research into what other sellers had to say about free shipping, I found that many of them actually advised against offering it.

I would recommend you have a read of this Reddit thread if you’re not sure whether to offer free shipping.

How to ship stickers

You don’t want your stickers to arrive creased or damaged. Jadi, make sure you use rigid mailers that won’t bend or envelopes that have rigid cardstock inside.

It can also be a good idea to place a “Do Not Bend” sticker on the envelope.

It’s not just the practical aspects of packing and shipping that you should take into consideration either. You could also consider leaving a short, handwritten thank you card, or a branded sticker with each order. This will help to build customer loyalty for your sticker brand.

Sekarang, some sellers take it a step further and make sure their sticker packaging looks beautiful too. Tapi, this can really eat away at your profits.

The customer cares about getting high quality stickers and that the stickers aren’t damaged or creased when they arrive.

As long as your stickers arrive in good condition, the customer won’t likely care about the packaging.

Packaging that also looks great can help with your brand, but it usually cuts into profits too much to be worth it.

Tips for Growing Your Sticker Business on Etsy

Okay, so now you know how to make and sell stickers on Etsy, you’ll want to know, “How can I grow my business?

That’s the thing. Etsy is a popular store, yes. Namun, not only does it have a lot of buyers, but there are also lots of sellers on the platform as well. This means that your stickers are competing with listings from millions of other sellers.

Jadi, you need to make sure that you are doing everything you can to drive sales and grow your business.

Here are some tips for success on Etsy…

Improve titles and tags

When someone searches for an item on Etsy, Etsy’s search algorithm looks for the most relevant matches. To optimize your listings for Etsy search, you need to ensure that your title and tags are relevant. This will ensure that they’re displayed in a shopper’s search results.

Every listing has a title. It appears above the listing image on the listing page, in your shop, and in the search results.

Your title is important as you can use it to tell shoppers what your item is in a few words.

Your tag is also important. A tag is a word or short phrase, which describes your item. Etsy will match listing tags with shoppers’ searches to find relevant results.

A single tag can be a short, descriptive phrase like “planner stickers.”

Some tips for optimizing titles and tags include:

  • Use all 13 available tags for each of your listings.
  • Keep in mind that exact phrase matches are stronger than matches on individual words. Sebagai contoh, “wedding stickers” is a better tag than using “wedding,” and “stickers” separately.
  • Etsy’s algorithm considers a listing that has a word or phrase in both the title and the tags more relevant than a listing with that word or phrase in the tags or title alone. Jadi, if a word or phrase in a buyer’s search appears in both the title and tags of your listing, then the algorithm will see it as being more relevant.
  • Etsy considers words at the beginning of titles to be more important than words that are at the end.

Add relevant attributes to your listing

If you want to help buyers find your stickers in the search results, then make sure you add relevant attributes to your listing.

You can add attributes about your items to the Listing details section. This can include things like color, size, or occasion.

When adding attributes, you should first choose the type of item you are listing, and its categories. You’ll then see the option to add attributes based on the category you select. Specificity is important for the Etsy search algorithm to identify your products.

Try to use the most relevant attributes available to you. Choose as many accurate attributes as each item has available. And, finally, keep in mind that shoppers search by different attributes. Sebagai contoh, some might search by color, size, or occasion.

Make sure you upload quality listings

Etsy says that listing quality is important.

The company states, “Etsy’s search algorithm also considers how well individual items tend to do in search based on how likely customers are to interact with a listing or buy a product. We call this “listing quality.””

Sekarang, listing quality is impacted by things like:

  • The product thumbnail photo.
  • Clear titles.
  • How shoppers interact with a listing. Jadi, if a shopper clicks, favorites, or purchases an item after they’ve seen it in search results, that action contributes to the listing’s quality score. When you first open your shop, your listings will have a neutral quality score, which doesn’t have an impact on placement.

Here are some tips for improving listing quality:

  • Make sure your listings include clear photographs.
  • Ensure that the titles are easy to read and that they clearly describe your product.
  • Encourage shopper interaction by trying out different tags, updating product photos, and posting on social media.

Maintain a good customer rating

Another really important tip you should keep in mind is to maintain a good customer rating.

As I mentioned before, Etsy’s search algorithm looks for the most relevant matches. There are a few key factors that you can improve to optimize for Etsy search. One of the top factors that determine which items appear in Etsy search and the order in which they’re displayed in a shopper’s search include customer and market experience.

Etsy says that “We want buyers to have a great experience when they purchase from a seller on Etsy. Because of this, we consider a shop’s record of customer service and whether it’s in good standing according to Etsy’s policies.”

Jadi, it’s important to optimize the customer experience.

Here are some tips for doing so:

  • Complete your shipping profiles to show processing times to your buyers accurately. And, be sure to complete your orders to help buyers to know when they can expect their items.
  • Make sure that your About section is complete.
  • Make sure that you fill out your shop policies and use the template to give buyers helpful information about your shop.
  • Take steps to communicate with past buyers and resolve open cases as quickly as you can. It’s important to be responsive to customers and handle any complaints they have.
  • Try to get as many 5-star reviews as possible by going above and beyond with customer service.

Consider Etsy ads

Etsy allows sellers to use Etsy Ads to promote their listings in Etsy search. There are ad spaces that are reserved in Etsy search for ads. These are separate from search results. Jadi, you can set up Etsy ads and have your listings compete for these ad spaces. Ads are not free to set up. You can learn more about Etsy ads Di Sini.

Whether or not ads are worth it is really up to you. From my research, I’ve determined that some sellers have great success with Etsy ads and others think they’re a waste of time. I would recommend you have a read of this Reddit thread Dan this Reddit thread as they provide a discussion on whether or not Etsy ads are worth it.

If you want to maximize your income it’s really important that you do everything you can to drive customers to your store and make sales. One of the best ways to do this is to be active on social media. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook are all good options.

You can use your social media accounts to promote your brand and increase sales. Social media is free to use as well. Jadi, if you are on a budget, it can be a great tool for promoting your business.

Closing Thoughts

If you’ve wanted to know how to sell stickers on Etsy, then follow our step-by-step guide. And, make sure you keep our tips for selling on Etsy and growing your business in mind!

Selling stickers on Etsy can be a great side hustle!

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