Farm Marketing and Marketing Strategies for Beginning Farmers – Charlotte Smith « $60 Csoda Money Maker

Farm Marketing and Marketing Strategies for Beginning Farmers – Charlotte Smith

Posted On Jun 24, 2020 Által admin Val vel Megjegyzések kikapcsolva tovább Farm Marketing and Marketing Strategies for Beginning Farmers – Charlotte Smith

Track G: The First Years on the Farm or Ranch: Tools, Perspectives and Lessons for Success. Session 1: Two Major Challenges New Farmers Face and How to Manage Them. Slide presentations and additional conference information is available at

This session will explore how new farmers can effectively manage their finances and develop their markets by touching on the following: business plan development; how to develop month-by-month cash flow projections, with suggestions for how to plan ahead of time for a cash shortfall; tips for focusing your marketing, building your marketing strategy, and taking it online; lessons and tools to ensure sound financial management and farm financial success.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) provides grants and outreach to advance innovations that improve profitability, stewardship and quality of life. SARE is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA.

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