18 Cities With Extraordinarily Excessive Crime Charges « $60 Čudo Novac za kavu

18 Cities With Extraordinarily Excessive Crime Charges

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Crime happens everywhere, but we do our best to stay safe and avoid areas that might be riskier than others. It’s always a good idea to be aware of global crime trends so we can be informed when traveling so we don’t get caught in any sticky situations by ourselves or with family.

Startling statistics found in a recently released study show that the following cities have some of the highest crime rates in the world. This doesn’t mean you can never visit these places, but you may want to do your research before going there, talk to locals before planning a trip, and be aware of your surroundings.

Tijuana, Mexico

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Autor slike: Denis Kabanov/Shutterstock.

Tijuana sits right at the border of Mexico and San Diego, California. The city’s high homicide rate of 139 per 100,000 is due to a mix of factors, making it one of the world’s riskiest places. Its location on the US-Mexico border attracts drug trafficking, leading to cartel activity and violence.

Poverty and inequality make things worse, as many lack basic education and opportunities, pushing some to crime for survival. That said, Tijuana has an emerging culinary scene, with many renowned Mexican chefs opening restaurants in the city. While the crime rate is high in certain neighborhoods, it doesn’t stop many Americans from visiting and even living there and commuting to their jobs in San Diego.

Acapulco, Mexico

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Acapulco, a popular beach resort town on the Pacific coast, is a hotspot for drug cartels trafficking illegal substances. The fight for control over these routes has sparked brutal violence, including assassinations and public displays. The homicide rate is 111 per 100,000 residents.

With a tourism-dependent economy, many locals face financial struggles, fueling social unrest and desperation that contribute to criminal activity. Još, over 300,000 visitors come each year to enjoy resorts, beautiful scenery, and good food.

Caracas, Venezuela

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Autor slike: yordanka caridad almaguer/Shutterstock.

Caracas is one of the world’s riskiest cities, with a violent crime rate of 99.98 per 100,000 people. Venezuela’s economic struggles and political turmoil after Hugo Chavez’s takeover have led to high inflation and poverty. This desperation pushes some to commit crimes for survival. Ineffective law enforcement and government corruption have made it challenging to stop crime and eroded public trust.

Ciudad Victoria, Mexico

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Ciudad Victoria, Mexico, sadly has one of the world’s highest crime rates, with 86 homicides per 100,000 people. Powerful drug cartels cause gang violence, otmica, extortion, and assassinations. The absence of effective social programs for poverty, inequality, and education gaps fuels crime.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

Ciudad Juarez skyline
Autor slike: Alejandro Rosales, CC BY-SA 4.0/Wikimedia Commons.

The drug war in the early 2000s brought a scary rise in violence, with a homicide rate of 86 per 100,000 people by 2022. Another border town similar to Tijuana, Juarez, sits just over the line of El Paso, Texas. Weak law enforcement and judicial corruption mean criminals often get away with crime in Juarez. This boosts more violence, makes people hesitant to help authorities, and keeps the crime cycle going.

Irapuato, Mexico

Autor slike: Davelapo555, Public domain/Wikimedia Commons.

Irapuato is a hotspot for rival cartels, like the Jalisco New Generation Cartel and Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, battling for control in the drug trafficking corridor. The presence of Pemex pipelines also fuels an illegal fuel market, adding to the tension and violence. It also faces a high violent crime rate, around 82 per 100,000 residents.

Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela

Panoramica aerea de ciudad Guayana
Autor slike: Heribert Dezeo, CC BY-SA 3.0 /Wikimedia Commons.

Severe famine and poverty in Venezuela are linked to the desperation that leads to crime. In Ciudad Guayana, robbery is widespread, happening day and night. Pedestrians, drivers, and businesses are common targets. Carjacking is also a serious issue, often involving violence and weapons. With a homicide rate of 82 per 100,000 residents in 2022, Ciudad Guayana ranks among the world’s top 10 dangerous cities.

Natal, Brazil

Natal capital do Rio Grande do Norte Brasil scaled
Autor slike: MTur Destinos/Wikimedia Commons.

Natal faces crime challenges due to poor infrastructure and limited services, creating a breeding ground for illegal activities. Pickpocketing, bag snatching, and credit card fraud are common, especially in crowded places and on public transport. Understaffed police struggle to combat crime, and corruption runs rampant. U 2020, Natal’s homicide rate was 52 per 100,000 people, although it has decreased from previous years.

Fortaleza, Brazil

Fortaleza Brazil 4 cropped
Autor slike: ME/Portal da Copa, CC BY-SA 3.0 /Wikimedia Commons.

In some parts of Brazil, aculture of violenceis a problem where violence is seen as normal to solve conflicts. The big gap between rich and poor causes resentment and creates an environment where violence thrives. Fortaleza’s poor people have little access to education, healthcare, and jobs. The slow justice system makes criminals feel like they won’t get caught. Fortaleza’s homicide rate is 59 per 100,000 residents, surpassing the national average of 22.27.

Cape Town, South Africa

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Cape Town, with its stunning beauty, unfortunately, faces safety concerns. The homicide rate is 67 per 100,000 residents, among the world’s highest. Apartheid’s legacy and economic gaps create a breeding ground for crime. Its effects still linger, causing social and economic inequalities and fueling crime.

Belem, Brazil

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Autor slike: Burn86, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons.

Belem, a major city in Brazil, faces poverty, with many residents struggling. Positioned on the Amazon River, it’s a hotspot for drug transit from South America to Europe and North America. This attracts powerful drug organizations, sparking violence and turf wars. The city’s law enforcement deals with corruption and underfunding, making it less effective against crime. U 2022, Belem’s homicide rate was 66 per 100,000.

Cancun, Mexico

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Cancun, Mexico, a tourist hotspot, has stunning beaches and nightlife but faces higher crime than other vacation spots. The divide between wealthy tourist areas and poorer neighborhoods contributes to this. While not as violent as cartel crimes, scams targeting tourists, like pickpocketing and overpriced goods, are common outside secure hotel zones.

Some areas, especially at night, are best avoided, like downtown, neighborhoods outside the Hotel Zone, and places known for drug activity. U 2022, Cancun’s homicide rate was around 65 per 100,000.

Feira de Santana, Brazil

Urban landscapes of Feira de Santana 02
Autor slike: Shaamunensu, CC0/Wikimedia Commons.

U 2022, the city had a high homicide rate of 64 per 100,000, well above the national average. Many people live in cramped, poor areas with limited basics and opportunities. A culture of violence and machismo can make violence seem like a solution. Adding to the issue, Feira de Santana is a key hub for illegal activities on a major drug route from Bolivia to the Brazilian coast.

St. Louis, Missouri, United States

St. Louis Arch, St. Louis, Missouri
Autor slike: James Roblee/Shutterstock.

Although St. Louis is a popular tourist destination, with visitors coming from all over the world to visit the iconic gateway arch, it’s one of the more dangerous cities in the U.S. The decline of the manufacturing industry in St. Louis has left many without stable jobs.

Economic segregation between rich and poor areas limits opportunities, leading to poverty and unemployment, which fuels crime. Facing institutional racism and historical challenges, St. Louis’ 2022 crime rate is high, with 61 violent crimes per 100,000 residents.

Ciudad Bolivar, Venezuela

Ciudad Bolivar historical zone
Autor slike: Venecon, CC BY-SA 3.0/Wikimedia Commons.

In places like the Sierra Nevada and La Sabanita, poverty is extreme, with no basic facilities or resources. Understaffed police face low morale and limited resources, leaving these areas vulnerable to crime. Illegal weapons add to the danger, making even small conflicts potentially deadly. Shockingly, Ciudad Bolivar’s 2022 homicide rate is 60 per 100,000 residents.

Kingston, Jamaica

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Autor slike: Shutterstock.

While the city has a rich, vibrant culture, stunning scenery, and friendly residents, it also grapples with a concerning downside. The 2022 crime rate surpasses global averages, signifying a tangible risk of violent incidents.

Gang violence, a prominent contributor to Kingston’s crime, poses a threat to both residents and visitors. The widespread availability of firearms further intensifies the potential for violence. Most visitors to the island tend to stay close to tourist resorts and avoid residential areas.

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Baltimore 2
Autor slike: Shutterstock.

In the United States, Baltimore offers an affordable home and a rich cultural scene, but at what cost? U 2022, it had a high homicide rate of 50.52 per 100,000 people, well above the national average. Property crime rates are also higher.

These areas, historically discriminated against and disadvantaged, experience a significant portion of the city’s violent crime. Lacking access to quality education, employment, and resources, these communities face heightened challenges that can contribute to crime.

Palmira, Colombia

1280px Estacion del Ferrocarril de Palmira
Autor slike: Estebanjose0621, CC BY-SA 4.0 / Wikimedia Commons.

Palmira, Colombia, situated in the Valle del Cauca region, is notorious for its alarming levels of drug trafficking and gang influence. The long-standing history of armed conflict involving paramilitary groups and guerrillas has left a haunting legacy of violence and instability, fueling persistent security threats.

U 2022, Palmira reported a staggering homicide rate of 47.97 per 100,000 inhabitants, far surpassing Colombia’s national average and earning it a notorious reputation as one of the world’s most dangerous cities.

Source: World Population Review

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