How to extend financial institution stability, get monetary savings? H Financial recommendation ideas in Hindi

Posted On Apr 3, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on How to extend financial institution stability, get monetary savings? H Financial recommendation ideas in Hindi


Do you always struggle with your monthly financial budget? You may be earning decent but still, be struggling every month with your savings. In this video, you will get to know how to save money, how to increase bank balance and how to be financially free despite having a lot of responsibilities.

Ways to increase bank balance are unending. What you seriously need is a plan and a will to execute it. Only then will you find true worth of this video in which we shared ways to save money that are not at all difficult to follow. You need not follow all the money saving tips, just incorporate those that you feel are doable for you.

This our financial advice in Hindi to you, which will help you increase your bank balance and save more money in the future. You have to learn the art of financial management to have a financially secure future ahead. You should plan your retirement, kids education, household expenses, financial planning is the key to create wealth. Your answer to “how to make more money?” is saving and investment. Learn and apply from this motivational advice.

Here is the summary of 8 habits,
Habit #8 No Credit

Credit is simply a rattrap hidden behind a bed of roses. Most of us, at some or the other point in our life, have fallen into the trap of taking credit to fulfill our monetary needs. From family members to friends, from colleagues to vendors that we closely work with, credit is a monetary tool which must be used only when it is absolutely necessary and not otherwise. Most of us instantly choose to use the instrument of credit failing to realize that we might not be in a position to repay it on time.

Habit #7 Maintain your Accounts

While it may seem like a cumbersome job at first, but maintaining your accounts is the wisest way to get hold of your finances and monitor them closely. Often we end up spending more than we save and push ourselves in a situation of monetary imbalance. The sole reason as to why we end up in this situation is because of our lack of accounting. When you maintain an account of your incomes and expenses, you will not only become watchful of what you spend but you will also be amazed at the wonders it does in terms of saving.

Habit #6 Leave Bad Habits

A wise person has rightly said, no one can harm us more than we can harm ourselves. Imagine spending a sum of Rs. 50 every day, this daily expenditure which seems like a petty amount totals up to Rs. 1500 every month. This is the approximate amount that a person spends on injurious habits like smoking, alcohol or taking drugs. If you choose to give up a bad habit, it will not only be easy on your pocket but it will also help you in maintaining your health and increasing your life’s longevity.

Habit #5 Records
Apart from maintaining accounts, there is one more significant step that every person must necessarily follow for financial independence. This step is the maintenance of records. By records, we mean the different legal and formal documents of importance that every citizen of India is bound to maintain by law.

Habit #4 Save and Invest
Investing is an art that every person needs to know in order to be financially stable in life. Savings on the other hand form the base of investments. In order to invest, it is but obvious that you need to start saving a part of what you earn. Investing in the right practices will help you gain beneficial returns in the long term. If you begin investing early, you will have ample savings for yourself and your family, years down the line.

Habit #3 Buy in bulk
Why spend more on things that we already know we will keep on needing? The habit of buying in bulk is particularly useful when it comes to purchasing necessities. Why pay the full price for a bag of rice when you know that you will need it again for the next month? In situations like these, the concept of bulk buying comes into play. Quantities of Purchase and Price have an inverse relationship.

#2 Save your health

We spend a major chunk of our lives trying to earn as much as we can without giving any due importance to our physical and mental health. It is imperative to understand the simple fact that we will be able to fulfill our financial dreams only when we pay due attention to our health and wellness.

#1 Never Stop Learning
The biggest multimillionaires in the world are the ones who never stop learning. If you want to become someone like Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, you need to keep adapting to changes and learn to be dynamic, just like they are.

This was the episode 2 in the series of The Career Advisor.

Watch episode 1 here:
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8 Powerful Morning Habits :-

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