Frieda – Coming Home

Posted On Jun 19, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Frieda – Coming Home

A young American couple, Mark and Olivia, are expecting their first child. Before that, they want to make their dream of a trip to Europe come true. They book private accommodations through an Internet portal and embark on their 4-weeks-journey. On their arrival in Germany Elisabeth picks them up at the airport. She is the daughter of the landlady of Mark and Olivias first accommodation, a tiny house, located at a beautiful lake, in the hometown of Olivia’s great-grandparents. They learn that the 82-years old landlady is in the hospital and dying. Elisabeth drives Mark and Olivia to the house. And then the two young people spend their first night in Germany. A night in which Mark gets to know the owner in a special way. The next morning, it is strangely quiet over the house by the lake. And no one will know so quickly what happened a few hours ago.


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