Helium 10 vs Viral Launch – Which Device Is Greatest For Sellers? « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Helium 10 vs Viral Launch – Which Device Is Greatest For Sellers?

Posted On Dec 29, 2023 By admin With Comments Off on Helium 10 vs Viral Launch – Which Device Is Greatest For Sellers?

If you’re new to the world of Amazon FBA or simply want to up your game in general, you need data. Today, we’re going to compare two leading Amazon tools: Helium 10 vs Viral Launch.

For any of you that don’t know me, hello my name’s Nick and i have been a full time Amazon seller for over 5 years now.

I’ve put this review together because I have tried and tested many popular tools myself. I’ve had first-hand experience with what works and what doesn’t and this review is aimed at saving you some time.

In this review, I will be focusing on three factors that are essential for starting and growing an Amazon FBA business: product research, listing optimization, and keyword research.

I’ve also created a comparison table for you so you can easily see some of the main differences based on my research!

Helium 10

Best All-In-One Seller Tools



Customer Service

Ease of Use


Viral Launch

Powerful Product Research Analysis Tools



Customer Service

Ease of Use


I will be looking at how Helium 10 and Viral Launch weigh up under these three categories so that you can decide which tool better meets your needs.

Now I understand that both Viral launch and Helium 10 offer a lot more than just the tools I’ll cover today. The areas I’ve covered in this article are the ones people ask me about the most so I thought they’d be the best to cover.

Before we dive in I’ve got something for you. If you decide you want to purchase either of these tools, you don’t need to pay full price, I’ve secured exclusive discounts for each of these tools I’ll leave the coupons below.

I know I treat you well, don’t I.

Helium 10 Coupons Codes



Use EBOSS50 to get 50% off your first month with Helium 10. This discount code works for the following plans: A La Carte, Platinum & Diamond

Will Not Expire



Use EBOSS10 to get 10% off either the monthly or annual plan. This discount code works for the following plans: A La Carte, Platinum & Diamond

Will Not Expire

Viral Launch Coupon Codes



Use EBOSSVIRAL to get 20% off your monthly subscription

Will Not Expire



Use EBOSSVIRAL to get 40% off your annual subscription.

Will Not Expire

Helium 10 vs Viral Launch: The Overview

Helium 10 was founded by Manny Coats and Guillermo Puyol. You’ve probably heard more about Manny than you have Guillermo, Manny used to be an Amazon seller, he decided to create the software after failing to find a reliable software solution for himself.

This powerful suite of software tools is geared towards helping Amazon sellers identify the most profitable products. Their tools also make it easier to understand profits and analyze the areas of your Amazon business that could be improved.

For any of you that know me you’ll know that I’ve been a fan of Helium 10 for some time now, i use their tools almost every day.

Helium 10 originally started out as one tool, Scribbles, which is still included in this suit. Since then, the Helium 10 offering expanded to include more of what sellers needed to be successful.

Some of Helium 10’s capabilities include product research, competitor research, listing optimization, trend analysis, product tracking, and financial monitoring.

They actually offer a lot more than this but I understand your time is important. I have covered every single one of their tools and how I use them in my full review article.

Viral Launch

Viral launch was founded by a guy called Casey Gauss, a coding genius but someone who has never actually sold an item on Amazon. However don’t let this fool you, VL offer a very impressive suite of tools that some Amazon sellers can’t live without.

Viral Launch actually covers an area that Helium 10 does not (Product launches).

A lot of sellers have used their launch service, the reviews in their community groups speak for themselves. Amazon is always changing and i understand they are working on a brand new launch solution that i’ll be able to talk about soon.

Viral launch is run by people that know Amazon very well, a lot of their key staff have experience in selling on the Amazon platform.

Some of Viral Launch’s capabilities include product research, keyword research, listing optimization, PPC analysis, and split testing.

That’s just some of what you can do, if you want more detail read the article below.

Full Review Article: Viral Launch

Now, let’s get into more detail on each of the chosen tools, remember the themes we are sticking are; product research, listing optimization, and keyword research.

Amazon Keyword Research Tools

Every successful Amazon seller knows that keyword research is essential – if you want good rankings on Amazon anyway.

Let’s look at the tools that both Helium 10 and Viral Launch have that can help with your Amazon SEO strategy.

Helium 10: Magnet2

Have a few keywords in mind but need new ideas? The Magnet2 keyword research tool from Cerebro can help.

Once you type in your keyword idea, not only will you see stats for that keyword but you’ll be given a number of excellent suggestions too.

Magnet Keyword Research Tool

The Cerebro IQ score shows you which keywords have good search volumes in comparison to competition. This is an internal helium 10 algorithm that’s been made to help you make better decisions, the higher the IQ score the better the opportunity (according to their data).

You can also get a clear view of how many competing products there are (I use this a lot) and whether the keyword is ranking organically or is linked to a sponsored listing.

If you’re hunting for those important longtail keywords, try using the advanced filters. This can also help you exclude irrelevant phrases from your search.

Simply export the list and you can start working on your SEO strategy.

I tend to take it one step further though by using the Frankenstein tool.

This lets me clean things up by removing duplicate entries and unwanted characters, this way i can make the most of the space.

Helium 10: Cerebro

If you’ve ever spotted a product or competitor and wanted to know what keywords they ranked for, this is the tool you would use. All you need is the ASIN number to perform a reverse search.

Cerebro Keyword Research Tool

You can now see what Amazon users are searching for, so that you can determine whether there are any keyword opportunities you should take advantage of.

If you look at the organic and sponsored rankings, you can see which keywords are producing the most sales for competitors. The most sales come from the keywords that rank 1 – 10.

Once you have your list of keywords, you can use the Frankenstein tool to get more specific.

In this video below I show you an over-the-shoulder tutorial of my keyword research process.

YouTube Video


Viral Launch: Keyword Research

The Viral Launch keyword tool is updated a few times a week with new data from Amazon. This means you can access historical trends and identify keywords that are driving sales now and may continue to do in the future.

Viral Launch Keyword Research Tool

The priority score is related to a keyword’s importance, while the relevancy score tells you how relevant the suggested keywords are to your query.

One column that really stands out for me is Average Price, this can really help your pricing strategy.

If you want to see which products are linked to a specific keyword, simply click on the View on Amazon icon next to each phrase.

Happy with the list? Export it as a CSV file and you’re good to go.

If you’re interested in looking at another comparison, I also reviewed Helium 10 vs Jungle Scout. This is another very strong software option you could consider.

Viral Launch: Competitor Intelligence

The ASIN Relevant and Conformity Semantics (ARCS) algorithm uses half a million products and thousands of keywords to show you the most relevant keywords for any ASIN number.

That sounds seriously impressive, doesn’t it?

This is a great indicator of a competitor’s authority in a particular niche.

Viral Launch Competitor Intelligence Tool

Here, you will see data that’s very similar to what you will find on Helium 10. What I do love here is the fact that you can set up alerts about rank changes. This helps me keep a closer eye on competitor SEO strategies.

On the downside, it’s not possible to download this list of keywords and you can’t use any advanced filters to narrow down your search either.

In terms of keyword research, Helium 10 does come out on top. Remember this is just my perspective, you may well see it differently.

Amazon Product Research Tools

What you think a customer wants to buy and what they really want to buy can be two very different things.

This is why product research should be at the top of your list – whether you’re a new or regular seller on Amazon.

What you want to reach is a happy medium between what you want to sell and what customers want to buy.

This is what you can do with Helium 10 and Viral Launch.

A few years ago my business partners and I made a decision…

No longer were we going to run our business based on our personal views or perspective..

All our choices within the business are now made based upon Data-Driven Decisions.

Let’s look at Helium 10 first.

Helium 10: Black Box

The filters are probably one of the best features of this tool. If you really want to drill down into the specifics of a market, Helium 10 Black Box will do the work.

Helium 10 Black Box Tool

It really doesn’t get more specific than this.

Sales, reviews, product images, and keywords are just some of the filters you can apply to your search.

If you want to access this data while you’re browsing Amazon, install the Xray Chrome Extension.

I use this extension to save time. By accessing data as I browse, I can decide which products are worth additional research and which would be a waste of my time.

If you also want to take your budget into consideration, the Profitability Calculator will take manufacturing costs, product weight, and freight charges into consideration.

Viral Launch: Product Discovery

The Viral Launch Product Discovery tool allows you to get product ideas using four different approaches.

Not only can you search for specific types of products, but you can also search according to keywords, brand, and product categories.

To be fair you can do exactly the same thing with Helium’s blackbox tool.

Viral Launch Product Discovery Tool

Under each of these search tabs, you can apply an array of filters – this is honestly refined searching at its best. Some filter examples include total monthly revenue, average price, average review count, success level, and more.

When I carry out product research I like to study the sales/review ratio – Which is a great indicator of opportunity.

If you are looking for another alternative option on the product research side of things you could look at Amzscout.

If you want some time to analyze your options, download your search results to a CSV file.

Amazon Listing Optimization Tools

Once you have your product listings up and running, they’re going to require ongoing TLC.

Both Viral Launch and Helium 10 have listing optimization tools that can help keep your listing up to standard.

There are so many listing elements that contribute to a customer wanting to buy, including the language you use and your value proposition.

You need to convince a customer that they should buy your product instead of the competitions.

Helium 10: Scribbles

Yes, this is the original Helium 10 tool and it’s still just as relevant as it ever was.

What’s more, it works hand-in-hand with the other tools when it comes to optimizing your Amazon listings.

Helium 10 Scribbles Tool

Once you know what products you want to sell and have a list of keywords you will be targeting, you can use the Scribbles tool to create your listing.

Along with adding the right search terms, the Scribbles tool will ensure your copy adheres to the necessary character limits.

As you type up your copy using your keywords, the tool will even provide you with some additional suggestions – you never know when you might miss a valuable search opportunity.

A feature that I use quite often is the Import Listing button.

It allows me to import and optimize my existing Amazon listings if I find new keyword opportunities. We have a very particular method of Optimizing the Amazon Title, this strategy has proven itself over the years.

Viral Launch: Listing Analyzer

Using the Listing Analyzer tool, you can compare your listings to some of your top competitors and make adjustments accordingly.

Viral Launch Listing Analyzer Tool

One feature that I really love is that you can even analyze images. Today’s consumers are visual shoppers, so images matter more than ever.

Using this tool, it’s easier to strike a good balance between keyword-rich content and a tone that will appeal to your ideal target audience.

Your customers will know whether you’re creating listings for search engines or them.

Warning: keyword-stuffed copy is annoying.

If you are stuck on the listing optimization side of things you might want to read my Amazon listing guide, which includes all the strategies we use.

Helium 10 vs Viral Launch: A Look at Pricing

Now that we know what each tool can do, how much would you need to spend to gain access to these tools?

Let’s take a look at the Helium 10 pricing model,

If you’re serious about becoming a successful Amazon FBA business owner, you would need to consider the Platinum plan or above. Each plan gives you access to a certain number of tools, markets, and searches.

If you would prefer to pay less per month or you simply don’t need all of the tools, you can pick and choose the tools you want to pay for. Unfortunately, the cheaper plans will limit searches and usage.

Helium 10 Pricing

Whatever you do, don’t pay full price!

Use the link below or one of my exclusive discount coupons, you can save 50% off your first month or 10% off for life!

Click Here: Claim Helium 10 Discount Coupon

Please be aware this is an affiliate link, this means I’ll make a commission if you decide to purchase. This is how we keep the blog and YouTube channel running.

Viral Launch

Viral Launch offers a different pricing structure and their plans do feel less complicated.

The Kinetic plan makes the most sense if you want to earn a solid income as an Amazon seller. You get access to all available tools including their top-end Amazon PPC software.

Viral Launch Pricing

Again, please don’t pay full price!

You can use the link below or use one of my exclusive discount coupons.

Click Here: Claim Viral Launch Discount Coupon

Please be aware this is an affiliate link, this means I’ll make a commission if you decide to purchase. This is how we keep the blog and YouTube channel running.

Which Tool to Choose

To be fair, both Helium 10 and Viral Launch are valuable tools.

I use both of these tools within different areas of my amazon business.

In terms of features, Helium 10 does stand out in a number of areas – I use a lot more of their tools on a regular basis.

If you want to focus on price, Viral Launch gives you access to a great range of tools at a much cheaper rate.

However, features are far more important to me than price (personal preference). And when it comes to features, Helium 10 has a lot more to offer. What’s more, their tools are designed to complement each other, ensuring your strategy is comprehensive and effective.

In the race of Helium 10 vs Viral Launch, I am going to dub Helium 10 the winner.

If you are new to Amazon, welcome! If you have any questions drop me a comment below.

More soon!

Tags: Amazon Software Comparison, amazon tools, helium 10, viral launch

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