Why Minimalism Will Help You Achieve Your Purpose: Joshua Becker « $60 Mu'ujiza Kudi Maker

Why Minimalism Will Help You Achieve Your Purpose: Joshua Becker

Posted On Oct 2, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Why Minimalism Will Help You Achieve Your Purpose: Joshua Becker

What’s the purpose of your life? It’s a question we’ve all expected in one way or another, probably over and over again. It’s easy to focus on the appeal of the next exciting thing. But what if the secret to finding your purpose lies in less?

Why Minimalism Will Help You Achieve Your Purpose

In this bout of Character Test, I talk with a minimalist about what we actually need in order to lead happy, fulfilled lives.

Joshua Becker is the creator of Becoming Minimalist, the bestselling author of The Minimalist Home and The More of Less, and a president of the minimalist flow. Years ago, he had a revelation: all the stuff he owned was actually holding him back from the people and things he most valued in his life. He set out to declutter and refocus, and as he did, he detected a channel of living that’s brought him, their own families, and hundreds of thousands of books far more purpose, freedom and happiness.

Listen to our exchange on the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Android, Spotify, Stitcher, SimpleCast, or now below 😛 TAGEND

What does it certainly mean to become a minimalist? In this bout, we talk about Joshua’s personal approaching to minimalism and why he’s passionate about sharing it with others, including 😛 TAGEND

How Joshua’s son helped him decide to become a minimalist. The question he asks of every aspect of his life to guide his approach to minimalism. Why his purpose for his business is not to make as much money as possibleand what his determination is instead. Why he decided to give away the advance for both of his volumes. How to actually find happiness right where you are.

Personally, I went home and decluttered my house after this interview, and it felt so good. I think you might be inspired to do the same.

“We begin to realize how much our holds take away from our finite riches, our fund and day and vitality and focus, and how they ultimately become a big distraction to the life that we wish we were living instead. — Joshua BeckerTweet this

You can find Joshua’s diaries now . You can also him on his blog, Becoming Minimalist, on Facebook, and on Instagram (@ joshua_becker ).

The post Why Minimalism Will Help You Achieve Your Purpose: Joshua Becker sounded first on The Write Practice.


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