Really Universe? « $60 Mu'ujiza Kudi Maker

Really Universe?

Posted On Nov 5, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Really Universe?

Ok so discovers some background. I live in the uk and had a breakdown two years ago. I have BPD, PTSD, Bipolar Predilection, severe anxiety illnes and depression( I know right !) About 3 months ago I was forced out of my home because it was unfit for living. I had family next door and lived in the countryside. I moved to a town, neat bungalow with a garden I actually visualized everything would get better when I moved. Turns out it was traumatic and I went genuinely ill again. I was forwarded to a phscytrist, therapist, social worker and trama specialist. Fast forward a month p.i.p( disorder payments part) have decided there is nothing wrong with me. They have stopped all my money and that has represented all my benifits have gone down. I am currently coming PS221 a month for all my tariff, Bill’s and food. The tribunal will take a year. I will lose my house in a month. My trama therapy I waited times for has been stopped because I’m to suicidal to continue and my meds have just been upped. I also devoted all weekend and my 30 th birthday unable to move after my back grabbed up. Derisions narration I know. I guess what I’m requesting is how do you stop your brain from getting worse when your going to lose everything. I’m trying so hard to stay positive but it seems like the universe is punishing me and I dontknow what youre talking aboutto make it better. I known better my intelligence will start destroying me when all the analgesics I’m on ware off and I dont know how to prepare for it.

Any advice would be great!

to be presented by / u/ LokiOakenshield8 9 [ link ] [ mentions ]

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