Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income | Alex Szepietowski | TEDxUniversityofYork

Posted On Jan 5, 2020 By admin With Comments Off on Design Your Dream Life Through Passive Income | Alex Szepietowski | TEDxUniversityofYork

Alex describes his experiences as a young entrepreneur and the steps many others could take to follow in his footsteps.

After interning in every industry he possibly could, Alex realised that, more than any job in the world, he wanted to be his own boss. In 2012, without money or experience and in his 3rd year of PPE at York (Derwent College), Alex read ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ and decided to start investing in property. He spent his student loan on learning how it was done, and 2 years later owned 24 houses and won a few national awards. Alex is incredibly passionate about inspiring others to believe in themselves and forge their own path, irrespective of their circumstances, or what ‘the norm’ dictates!

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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