Mac Miller Worth Millions When He Died « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Mac Miller Worth Millions When He Died

Publié en février 9, 2019 Par administrateur Avec Commentaires fermés sur Mac Miller Worth Millions When He Died

Mac Miller

Worth Millions When He Died

2/9/2019 10:43 AM PST



Mac Miller was a very rich man when he died … TMZ has learned.

According to new legal docs … just a “portion” of the rapper’s estate is worth more than $4.48 million. This amount is the sum of various checking, savings and money market accounts … as well as 200 shares of Facebook stock worth more than $32k.

The docs point out Miller didn’t own any property in California at the time of his death, but it’s unclear if he owned real estate elsewhere. Le $4.48 mil also doesn’t include other potential property like cars, artwork or collectibles … so it’s possible he’s worth a lot more.

We broke the story … Miller died at his home in San Fernando Valley in September. The cause of his death was ruled an accidental overdose from a mix of fentanyl and cocaine.

As you know, Mac’s been nominated for a Grammy posthumously, so if he wins Sunday night … a Grammy Award can be added to his net worth.

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