Is Community Advertising A Rip-off? | Social Sellers | Web Advertising « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Is Community Advertising A Rip-off? | Social Sellers | Web Advertising

Publié le mars 19, 2024 Par administrateur Avec Commentaires fermés sur Is Community Advertising A Rip-off? | Social Sellers | Web Advertising

I’m thankful that someone named Rachada reached out to me invited me to go to a hotel event on one evening in 2002. @rachadaiturrino she changed my life forever.

And even though I was a six year failure, she never gave up or stopped believing in me.

And then in 2009, when I was fed up enough with my corporate job, I decided to take this side business serious for six months.

And I did. And then everything changed. I quickly replaced my income and then taught others how to do it.

Although I left the industry three years ago to become a full-time trainer for others in the industry, I will always be thankful for my 17 years in the industry!

It changed my life forever, gave me confidence, taught me how to be a true entrepreneur, and helped me to create a dream business that I run today!

Today, I have over 38,000 students inside my various courses and I love nothing more than to see other network marketers, social sellers and direct sellers winning big, following my simple, introverted strategies.

#youcandothis #dreambigger #hustlehard #networkmarketing #directselling #entrepreneurship

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