George Clooney Wants Boycott of Brunei's Hotels Over Anti-Gay Death Law « $60 Miracle Money Maker

George Clooney Wants Boycott of Brunei's Hotels Over Anti-Gay Death Law

Publié le mars 28, 2019 Par administrateur Avec Commentaires fermés sur George Clooney Wants Boycott of Brunei's Hotels Over Anti-Gay Death Law

George Clooney

Boycott Brunei’s Hotels

… Over Anti-Gay Death Laws

3/28/2019 1:32 PM PDT

Beverly Hills HotelGeorge Clooney is calling for a boycott of hotels owned by the Sultan of the Asian country of Brunei — even the L.A. ones — a week ahead of the day they’ll start killing gay people by stoning.

The actor posted an impassioned open letter on Deadline Thursday, asking consumers not to do business with the 9 hotels owned by the autocratic country’s ruler, Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, including the famed Beverly Hills Hotel, as well as the Hotel Bel-Air.

George ClooneyClooney’s plea with would-be hotel dwellers comes less than a week before the day Brunei as a nation will implement capital punishment on citizens who are proven to be gay or commit adultery. Those folks will be stoned to death.

That’s no joke — Brunei lives under Islamic sharia law … one of the few countries in the world to do so.

Interestingly, Clooney notes that there was widespread outrage about this a couple years ago, and people successfully boycotted the two L.A.-area hotels … if only for a short while. Maintenant, he’s asking for renewed attention in light of the looming deadline.

The other seven international hotels owned by Brunei include The Dorchester (London), 45 Park Lane (London), Coworth Park (ROYAUME-UNI), Le Meurice (Paris), Hotel Plaza Athenee (Paris), Hotel Eden (Rome) and the Principe di Savoia (Milan).

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