Atlantic S&S 1947-1974 « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Atlantic S&S 1947-1974

Publié en février 13, 2019 Par administrateur Avec Commentaires fermés sur Atlantic S&S 1947-1974

Aretha Franklin

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2007 eight CD box set that combines all eight volumes of the Atlantic R&B series (released in 2006) into one amazing package. Each of the single disc volumes are divided up into two to five year periods (1947-52, 1952-54, 1955-57, 1957-60, 1961-65, 1965-67, 1967-69 et 1970-1974) and feature the absolute cream of the Soul crop. 203 tracks including hits from the Coasters, Aretha Franklin, Ruth Brown, Clyde McPhatter, Lavern Baker, Ray Charles, the Drifters, Ben E. King, Solomon Burke, Wilson Pickett, Roberta Flack, the Spinners, Otis Redding, Percy Sledge, Joe Tex and many others. A stunning collection that shaped the way we listened to music and changed the course of R&B and Soul forever. Warner.

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