Facebook Advertising & How To Run Facebook Retargeting Ads. A Step By Step Guide In The Power Editor « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Facebook Advertising & How To Run Facebook Retargeting Ads. A Step By Step Guide In The Power Editor

Posted On Jul 18, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Facebook Advertising & How To Run Facebook Retargeting Ads. A Step By Step Guide In The Power Editor

Facebook advertising is the most exciting internet marketing strategy, today… Are you making the most of it? If you aren’t running Facebook Retargeting ads, you are missing out…

In this video, we go through the Facebook advertising system and you are walked through the process of setting up a retargeting campaign in the Facebook power editor.

Retargeting ads on Facebook are often the fastest way for online businesses and internet marketers to grow their list, generate new leads and customers.

If you are completely new to Facebook marketing, after you watch this video, be sure to check out this blog post I’ve created that compiles the exact process for how to advertise on Facebook in one place: http://www.milesbeckler.com/how-to-advertise-on-facebook/

I also created a previous Facebook advertising video here that goes into a bit more depth about how to create the ad portion if you need help with that part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYY6zn3c8Xk&list=PL0sOKzn__yK2WLfPcyzwnULUV3uy8031s

That above posts contains nearly 30 free videos on facebook advertising and includes all of the videos I mention here and more. It is the most comprehensive free resource on Facebook advertising online.

Now, in this video, I mention that there are some pre-requisites for to be able to set up a Facebook retargeting campaign as shown in this video.

Odds are if you have been following along… You have this all set up.

Just in case, here are the individual resources (also found at the blog post listed above)

#1 – You must have your Facebook tracking pixel installed! This playlist covers it in depth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMiHF93zv6A&list=PL0sOKzn__yK0FyAsza6Ao0X5v0v5LtHoj

#2 – You need to have your custom conversions setup in Facebook ad manager for all of the audiences you want to include or exclude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOWKaZ3fzx4

In this video, I’m including my ‘website visitor’ audience and excluding my ‘leads’ and my ‘customer’ audiences.

#3 – You need to upload your email list and customer list and create a custom audience for those: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6OehyLionQc&index=2&list=PL0sOKzn__yK0A7CDWwRPU8lfd3WNinxOs

#4 – You need to have your ad copy dialed! Resources to help you with creating great advertisements on Facebook are https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCQFsD7HeTM and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or7HZaMyt_c

#5 – If you want to set up multiple ad sets to split test different audiences against each other like the $5 Facebook ad strategy, check out this video for the overview on that advertising strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fceh6_UZz8A

Finally, if you want to see more ‘behind the scenes’ of my funnel that generated nearly 14,000 leads in 30 days for $888 go here: http://www.milesbeckler.com/fbads

Really, I hope this video puts the power and ease of creating retargeting ads on Facebook into perspective.

This is a very powerful paid marketing technique that can result in massive business growth once it is dialed in correctly.

I hope you have found this Facebook advertising video to be helpful and I look forward to hearing about your successes with retargeting ads on Facebook!

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