Madonna Crushes Private Live performance Document with 1.6 Million Followers in Rio « $60 Milagro Money Maker

Madonna Crushes Private Live performance Document with 1.6 Million Followers in Rio

Posted On May 5, 2024 Por administración Con Comentarios desactivados en Madonna Crushes Private Live performance Document with 1.6 Million Followers in Rio

Leave it to Madonna to go out with a bang … that’s how you’d have to describe the insane scene in Brazil when she closed out her world tour with more than a million people in the sand.

A reported 1.6 million Madonna lovers turned out for the free concert on Rio de Janeiro’s famed Copacabana Beach … and it was a total spectacle. At one point, the massive crowd actually got in sync enough to take over singing “Like A Virgin.”

The final night of Madge’s tour, which got off to a rocky start last October, turned out to be a milestone for her. The sea of Rio fans destroyed the previous record for largest Madonna concert … which was a measly 130,000 for her 1987 Paris show.

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