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Posted On Sep 16, 2017 By Abraham Woodhouse Con Comentarios desactivados en Change

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$H.ninety nine

After forty years as one-third of the artistic core of the C-52s, Cindy Wilson steps out together with her personal solo album, Change. A collaboration between Wilson and buddies and Athens musicians Ryan Monahan, Lemuel Hayes, Suny Lyons, and Marie Davon, Change marks a big departure from Wilsons different band. With echoes of Air, Bjork, Tame Impala, and Gary Numan, the band refers to its infections model of latest-wave electro-pop as Turbo Chill. Rather than shouting in a rock voice, on Change Wilson will get to experiment with extra emotional, delicate vocalizations, crooning and whispering over swirls of delicate psychedelia, Quincy Jones-period strings, and pulsing synths.

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