Erte Wall Calendar: Russian by birth, Roman Petrovich Tyrtov became Romain de Ti… « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Erte Wall Calendar: Russian by birth, Roman Petrovich Tyrtov became Romain de Ti…

Posted On Apr 21, 2019 By Fran Doolan With Comments Off on Erte Wall Calendar: Russian by birth, Roman Petrovich Tyrtov became Romain de Ti…

distinctive artist and designer

Erte Wall Calendar: Russian by birth, Roman Petrovich Tyrtov became Romain de Tirtoff after moving to France, and abbreviated his name to Erté (the French pronunciation of ‘R.T.’) to avoid shaming his father who disapproved of his choice of career. A distinctive artist and designer, he is perhaps best known for his stylish fashion designs, showing willowy women against stylized settings and patterns. www.calenda

Source by jerguesspaucula

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