this advertisement campaign, is so relevant to the national trust project becaus

Posted On Dec 27, 2018 Von Fran Doolan Mit Kommentare deaktiviert An this advertisement campaign, is so relevant to the national trust project becaus


this advertisement campaign, is so relevant to the national trust project because it deals with the same subject matter, protecting and preserving nature. One is exotic and one is local, that is the only difference. The connection of the body parts with the tree trunk is the clever part of the advert. It shows how by cutting down forests we are also hurting ourselves.

Quelle von maymirgorinaden

  • Covert Product Profits - Einmaliges Angebot PREMIUM-Private-Label-Videoschulungs-Website-Paket mit schlüsselfertigem Reseller-Kit + 7 Exklusive Boni!
  • PixlyPro - Wiederverkäuferlizenz Modernste Software erstellt virale Marketingkampagnen über mehrere Plattformen hinweg und senkt so die Traffic-Kosten auf wenige Cent pro Klick Neue Technologie integriert Call-to-Action mit 6 Remarketing-Plattformen, Noch nie zuvor gesehenes Konzept. Günstig, gezielte Tra
  • WP Social Traffic - 10 Clients Developers License

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