Email Marketing – Why Your Business Needs it in 2020

Posted On Apr 3, 2020 Von Administrator Mit Kommentare deaktiviert An Email Marketing – Why Your Business Needs it in 2020

Let us help you with your Email Marketing! :

Today Jeremy Vale, Email Marketing Manager at Logical Position, breaks down what email marketing is and why it is such a powerful tool for business owners.

First, Jeremy explains exactly what email marketing is, and the different forms it takes, such as a newsletter, a product promotion email, or a discount. It’s such a powerful tool for engaging with your customer base! Even if your customer doesn’t open your email, there is power in them seeing your brand in their inbox and being reminded that they are your customer and this really drives engagement.

Next, Jeremy breaks down WHO should be using email marketing? (Spoiler alert: there’s opportunities in all industries).

After that, Jeremy explains what people are doing wrong with email marketing. Don’t annoy your contact list by blasting them with the same email over and over!

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