Monochrome Family Bathroom Renovation (Home Renovation Project #S) « $60 Miracle Maker Arian

Monochrome Family Bathroom Renovation (Home Renovation Project #S)

Posted On May 12, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on Monochrome Family Bathroom Renovation (Home Renovation Project #S)

( Please be reported that precisely in order to be completely transparent we worked with for part of our lavatory redevelopment and therefore they gifted us the white goods in exchange for content on my blog, you tube and social media. We weren’t paid any additional on top of this and all opinions are my own)

It’s been a long time since I sounded up a renovation revise berth now on my blog. I still have a few apartments that I haven’t made photos of or composed blog announces about, including the dining room, lounge, our bedroom etc. I have done room tours of these over on You Tube( you can find my interior playlist now) but I actually need to get a move on and write blog announces before they become so aged I start redecorating them again!

Today though I have a special project I want to share with you all- our lineage bathroom redevelopment. This was started way back in October and exclusively finished a few short weeks ago. It wasn’t especially that the renovation took that long, it was mainly due to a number of different aspects- the plumber meeting us in around other jobs, waiting on a specific shower door screen to be delivered etc. There were long periods of time where no slog was taking place and we were just waiting around. But it is done now and we absolutely love it.


I should probably start by sharing with you some before photos. When we moved into our house well over a year and a half ago now, there was no doubt that we would get round to changing the showers eventually. We bought the house as a terminated restoration activity so it was just a matter of time before we deepened them. Our house is about 17 years old, so relatively modern in terms of a property, but frankly it genuinely was dated inside.

The previous owners hadn’t stroked the bathrooms since they moved in and as a result they were getting tired, a bit shabby at the edges, and above all they just weren’t our form. We could have lived with them for a few cases more years, they weren’t offensive, but they were always going to be something we tackled at some place. Jon actually had a really good few months of work as he had quite a large contract extended, so we decided to bring forward our schemes and get the family bathroom rehabilitated sooner than we initially thought.

advocate Basin and Vanity Unit


Keep the walk in shower- Our family bathroom isn’t a large space, it is about 2 metres squared. We didn’t particularly have any big requirements at the beginning of the project, prohibit we wanted to keep the shower. Behind the door on the right hand side is quite a narrow but practical walk in shower that we use a good deal, so we wanted to make sure we saved that.

Patterned floor tiles- I actually demanded some patterned storey tiles, but gazing on Pinterest and Instagram could only ascertain ones that suited interval wording homes. This was a must for me as we had vinyl in our aged previous residence and while it was fine, I certainly craved some cool patterned tiles in our brand-new kinfolk lavatory.

Free sit bathtub- It announces silly but for such a long time, times in fact, I have always had this little goal in my heading that one day we would have a freestanding bath. Ive no ideawhy it is just something I have always demanded, I love the seek of them. I really wanted to get a free tolerate soap in our brand-new redevelopment, but I was also reasonable that it was only a small space.

Light and bright- Other than the above the only other real requirement we had for our seat was that it was light and bright. As it was quite a small space the previous lavatory did look quite dingy at times, so I wanted to make it feel bright and light. I also wanted to put an effort into the styling and make sure that there were lots of things on the wall to at the same time make it feel cosy but stylish.


Lots of storage- Although this is our family bathroom, we actually spend more time in our en collection.( that currently hasn’t been revamped) The children also waste the majority of members of their occasion there, we all brush our teeth in there etc. While I am aware the girls specially will get bigger and require their own space in years to come, we weren’t more fussed about storage. We aren’t a family who has quantities of balms and potions regardless( we are quite minimalist in that respect) and we also have a big airing cupboard right next door on our arrive which is something we restrain a lot of stuff like toilet cleans, toiletries etc. Therefore ladens of storage wasn’t something we peculiarly needed, in fact I find the more storage I have the more likely I am to jumble it up with things I don’t really need.

A towel rail- I have had a couple of beings ask me on instagram why we decided to leave out a towel railing. We ever planned to do this, I find them fairly unattractive( although you can get some nice ones nowadays) and they take up a lot of space. We had a towel rail in the existing bathroom that in the whole year and a half we have lived here we have never turned on. Our house is really great when it comes to heating, and we save all our towels in the airing cupboard. Therefore factoring out a towel runway would help save money and likewise cavity.


Denver home industrial search instagram interiors larger finish product New Year's Day PS2 Ps3 renovation Wet Rooms advocate Basin and Vanity Unit Denver home industrial search instagram interiors

larger finish product New Year's Day PS2 Ps3 renovation Wet Rooms advocate Basin and Vanity Unit Denver

We couldn’t be more excited with the finished bathroom- it was worth the just waiting I think we’ve managed to create an astonishing genealogy lavatory considering the fact that it isn’t a huge cavity. I conceived the best thing to do is to talk through some of the key features of the bathroom and then I can roll where everything else is from, as well as do a little of a fund dislocation as I know I find these super supportive when meaning our renovations

House Work, Materials, Plumbing and Decorating

Most of its own budget was munched up by the plumbing and build operate which culminated expenditure more than we expected. This is due to a number of different grounds, when they went to make the tiles down they struggled to get them off as the walls were so weak so we culminated up having to pretty much rebuild the walls. We also had a dummy wall constructed where the bathroom is to hide unsightly pipework( the pipework was previously hidden by a random tiled left hand corner of the submerge that remain out( envision before photo) and we wanted everything to look clean with no random shapes ). The pipework itself needed moving around- in our old bathroom we had a large shelf which obscured the pipework and it intended the toilet was under the window( picture before photo ). Due to the way our joists in our house guided we would only are capable of the bathroom remaining in the same place ifwere havingthat dummy rack and I didn’t want it as it took up a lot of space, so we decided to move the toilet to the side wall and introduced the bowl under the window. I am glad for this decision in the end as it gapes so much stylish and negligible not having the big shelf.

Our make likewise made a shower shelf for me which I certainly missed, the shower itself is quite small and restrict so I wanted a space to frame our bottles. There was a quite a lot of building work that we needed to do that we didn’t factor in originally.

Storey Tiles( and feature shower wall)

I knew before we rehabilitated that I demanded some patterned storey tiles because I just enjoy that regard, but on instagram all I could see was patterned tiles that I personally thought were more suited to period style qualities or cabins, I felt that some of them might gaze a bit curious in our relatively modern residence. I must have browsed every single tile shop online over a period of weeks and then I located the Sorrento Nizza tiles from Fired Earth and I fell in love. I then invested so long looking on Pinterest and instagram to see if I could find them in anyone’s house to come some inspiration from there. I couldn’t find a single person so I wondered if it was a risk, but after getting a sample I decided that I precisely adoration them and needed them in my life! I couldn’t love them more, we likewise use them as a feature wall in the shower as well which I am so glad we did.

Fired Earth are a little more of a higher end tile but I got them with a 20% discount they had on and to be honest they are my favourite thing in the whole bathroom so they are so worth it. I clearly think it’s good mixing higher end product with more inexpensive ones.

Wall Tiles

As we went for patterned flooring tiles we decided to go for a very plain wall tile. I had required metro tiles as we had them in our last-place mansion, but I thoughts a little of a alter with them. We decided to go for these bigger, longer metro tiles that are matt and with no bevelled edging- I adoration them. We bought them from Tons of Tiles( they are the Metro XL Flat white-hot Metro Tile) and they were really reasonable in rate( around PS250 for the amount we needed ). I believe that they really compliment the floor tiles and ensure that thoughts don’t look too cluttered.

White-hot Goods

We worked with on our white goods and they kindly gifted us to them in exchange for me starting material across You Tube, my blog and social media( sink, lavatory, tub ). Even though the infinite we had to work with was small, one of my central wish list requirements for the bathroom was a freestanding bath. I have always wanted one, but I didn’t want a traditional type 1 as I didn’t think it would go in our modern house. When I learn the Isla Freestanding Bath I merely knew it would be great- it is only 1500 mm wide so would fit perfectly in our gap applying us apartment around it( We could have actually fit the slightly larger one in but I contemplate a freestanding bath only drives if there is space either back ).

Because I wanted the soak so badly we had to sacrifice on the dimensions of the the valley. A few people have asked me about this as our depression is quite small but to be honest it is the perfect size for us, we tend to use our en suite for brushing our teeth and I also constitutes not a big fan of clutter- we don’t have loads of toiletries and anything we do have is either in a little basket at the two sides of the tub, in our en suite closet or in our send cabinet. I would much instead have the freestanding shower than a big vanity unit. The container we vanished for is the Denver basin and it’s only 400 mm wide so excellent for opening saving.

We also went for a the Lyon back to wall toilet which I adoration, it looks really clean and modern.

Hardware e.g sounds and shower

I was adamant that I wanted pitch-black sounds in our lavatory and almost every single person told me they would be impractical. However I do often visualize plumbers, developers etc are often about practical and not blueprint or ingenuity, so formerly I had made up my mind I was positive that black was what would be best.

I did a lot of research on pitch-black hardware and we live in an exceptionally hard-handed irrigate field( we get limescale build up on our sounds, shower screen etc) so we have since had a water conditioner shaped. It expenditure PS300 including labour and I am no expert but it attaches to your mains pipe and helps lightened the spray( it is slightly different to a spray softener which tends to be big and oversized and extends under your drop ), and therefore reduces limescale. So far so good but I am also militant at cleanup the sounds as well and erasing them down after use.

For our bath taps I truly required the ones that stick out the wall as I only adore the sound you get with them( it reminded us of being in a figment hotel) and I believe that they search really nice when paired with a freestanding bathroom. We decided on the Iker black bath tap which is gorgeous. For our sink sound we made a decision the Vellamo Twist Matt Black tap from

The black shower is another from the Iker range at and I affection it. It’s simple and modern and looks great.

Shower Door

I primarily a really good value chrome shower door and then it arrived and I simply decided if we were going for this black modern, industrial search, it would look really weird having a chrome shower door. So I sent it back and then set about looking for black shower entrances. There were a fair few but because our shower is quite narrow I simply couldn’t find anything suitable- they were lots of adjustable chrome ones in that length but none in pitch-black. I then contacted a few bespoke shower companies and the doors were coming in at over PS1000 for a shower door- it was crazy.

I rang one random company based in Devon and the man was so helpful, he did some research for me and learnt a made to order shower door from a company announced Novellini. They are based in Italy but do reasonably economical( for the quality and the fact they are made to order) shower doors. We dictated a black one from there( ours is from the Zephyros range) that made 8 weeks to arrive( but there was Christmas and New Year in between ), and where reference is did I was thrilled.

It was more than we had wanted to spend for a shower door but it absolutely completes the review and I couldn’t recommend it enough. Likewise recommend First Class Wet Rooms who are based in Devon( nowhere near us but they send anywhere in the UK ), I arbitrarily obtained them when sought for the shower doorway and they were so helpful.


I decided that a large mirror would look amazing over the bathtub and would also give the room the illusion of more space. We dissolved up going for this huge round black mirror and I couldn’t enjoy it more. It was so incredibly heavy to hoist though, it made Jon and our developer to position it on the wall. I likewise panicked a little about the fact it was so heavy being offset over the bathroom, so as an added security we placed a thin layer of silicone sealant at the edges of it more( the same type of sealant you leant around toilets, baths etc ). It exactly implies if we start to notice that coming apart then it’s time to anxiety!

I certainly wanted to style up the apartment as much as I could as it is my favourite act to do. First situations first I computed two black shelves that I could sounds knickknacks like nice caliber shower stuff, candles etc on. I am a huge houseplant fan so I likewise got the lovely wall prepared planters from La Redoute( I can’t find them online so they must have sold out ). Then I got the ravishingLove Yourselfphotograph from a noblewoman on instagram called Margo in Margate as I pondered the meaning was perfect for when you are looking in the reflect in the shower and too the monochrome paired perfectly. I likewise bought a lovely black planter( mounted of 2 ) from Matalan.


We didn’t have a position budget in mind, but evenly weren’t in a position devote an ultimate luck on the lavatory. We had done a more plan lavatory restoration in our aged house and had a little more to invest this time as this is our forever home, so we just saved a tone on our phones of what we were spending when to make sure we didn’t go too overboard. I sprinkled out on certain things, like the floor tiles, but saved in other areas too.

I’m not in particular the cosmetic supplementaries( prohibit the mirror) like reproduces, plant announces, shelves etc as these are just finishing touch rather than essential to the renovation

Labour( build, building fabrics, grout, medal and plumbing)- PS3800( this was higher than we initially predicted due to the fact that where reference is took the aged tiles down we needed to rebuild the walls as they were in a bad situation, we also needed to move a lot of pipework)

Floor Tiles- PS6 07.00

Wall Tiles- PS2 52.00

Freestanding Bath- PS2 79.99

Basin and Vanity Unit- PS1 39.99

Toilet- PS1 29.99

Bath Tap- PS1 59.99

Basin Tap- PS8 6.99

Shower Head- PS1 49.99

Shower Door- PS3 00.52

Water Conditioner-( aimed at contributing to limescale on pitch-black hardware) PS300

TOTAL- PS5 926.47

And that is it! The kinfolk shower of my nightmares! We adoration it so much better and are so pleased with how it turned out. I hope that members can witnessed this pole helpful, but if you have any questions please let me know below and I will do my best to answer them.

The post Monochrome Family Bathroom Renovation( Home Renovation Project# 6 ) materialized first on Mummy Daddy Me.

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