Cameos Galore in New Deadpool three Trailer « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Cameos Galore in New Deadpool three Trailer

Posted On Feb 12, 2024 By admin With Comments Off on Cameos Galore in New Deadpool three Trailer

Marvel has finally released the Deadpool 3 trailer! The last one excited fans with promises of Wolverine’s long-awaited return. Their not-so-patient waiting has finally paid off in the form of yet another teaser. New trailers, however, bring new questions and even wilder speculations for what audiences can expect.

So, let’s break down the new trailer and see if we can pick up on what Reynolds has thrown down. How hard has he pushed the MCU’s first R rating? When will Wolverine show up? Will fans finally get a resolution to that epic X-Men cameo from the last movie? So many questions. But, luckily, we’ve got plenty of time to ask them.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead and Colossus Return

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

The last time we saw Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and Colossus (Stefan Kapičić), they were still trying to convince Deadpool to join their crime-fighting team of do-gooders. In the new Deadpool 3 trailer, they seem happy to simply watch him celebrate his birthday.

Does this mean we’ll finally get a follow-up to the surprise X-Men appearance from Deadpool 2? Professor X went toe-to-toe with Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. It didn’t work out for him, but at least we know he’d have a better chance of surviving this cameo.

The Love of Wade Wilson’s Life

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

No Deadpool movie would be complete without Vanessa (Morena Baccarin). Wade’s love of her drove him into the scientific experiment that turned him into Deadpool. It has kept them orbiting each other’s world even when it put her life in danger. Fans shouldn’t let her pretty face fool them, though. She has grown quite capable of protecting herself.

So, have the two become friends? Have they been dating? Will they ever get engaged again? Most fans didn’t watch the Deadpool 3 trailer for hints at their relationship. But no one can deny her importance in Wade’s life.

Blind Al and Dopinder

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

Deadpool’s hilariously sarcastic nature doesn’t exactly invite long-lasting friendships. Yet, his neighbor Blind Al (Leslie Uggams) and taxi driver Dopinder (Karan Soni) have been with him from the beginning. We can’t deny they’ve grown on us, too. But will they still have an active presence in Deadpool’s life?

Their quick appearances in the Deadpool 3 trailer don’t do much but confirm that they’re in the movie. No one knows to what extent. Judging from the sheer amount of chaos the masked hero has involved them in, they’ll probably get thrown into the thick of it this time around.

The MCU’s First R-Rated Joke

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

The MCU doesn’t do naughty jokes. They’ve toed the line with Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) in the past. But they’ve kept it PG since for young Disney fans. This cookie-cutter past has only left more mature audience members hungry for more adult humor.

Time Variance Authority Back in Action

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

When the Loki series introduced the Time Variance Authority (TVA), it left many fans confused. They claimed to protect the MCU timeline. Yet, they never once showed up during the time-traveling shenanigans in Avengers: Endgame. Now, they’ve popped up in the trailer for Deadpool 3 with a special mission for the masked hero.

The mysterious suit guy (Matthew Macfadyen) giving Deadpool some kind of special assignment never gets a name. So, that clearly becomes a huge plot point at some point. Right? We just don’t know why or how.

What’s So Special About Deadpool?

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

In the Deadpool 3 trailer, mysterious suit guy calls Deadpoolspecial.What does that mean? Well, let’s look at what we know about our favorite anti-hero. Superhuman strength, stamina, and reflexes put him on par with Captain America. His healing abilities and chemical/disease resistance always come in handy.

However, his ability to break the fourth wall could actually make him more special than anything else. Other characters don’t know they’re in a movie. Meanwhile, Deadpool has a bird’s eye view of the story unfolding before us. This has high value with a multiverse still reeling from the latest MCU hijinks.

“A Hero Among Heroes”

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

The time has come for Deadpool to join the Avengers. . . well, not exactly. Mysterious suit guy takes him to a TVA room with multiple screens showing the big battle from the first Avengers movie. He says Deadpool’s time has come to join the ranks of heroes like Iron Man, the Hulk, and Thor.

We know from the Deadpool 3 trailer this has something to do with traveling into the past. What does Deadpool have to do with their timelines? We’ll just have to wait and see.

Deadpool Does Time Travel

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

The potential for jaw-dropping cameos has no limit at this point. According to the Deadpool 3 trailer, the TVA has tasked the chaotic anti-hero with something relating to time travel. Maybe they want him to fix something. Or maybe they want him to clean up their mess from Loki season 2.

Whatever the reason, things don’t exactly go as planned. Deadpool goes from TVA ally to enemy in the span of 2 minutes and 25 seconds. Not surprising for someone who does whatever he wants. It just leaves us wondering where it all goes fantastically wrong.

Marvel Jesus

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

Deadpool referring to himself as “Marvel Jesus” in the new trailer makes sense for 3 reasons. One, he has shaken up superhero movies with his unapologetically provocative nature. Two, Deadpool comparing himself to a holy figure makes total sense for a character who both adores and despises himself.

Three, the Deadpool movies have knocked it out of the park every time. They keep us on our toes. They keep us wanting more. They promise high-quality action and risqué jokes. Plus, each movie delivers cameos better than the ones before. No wonder fans practically worship Ryan Reynolds at this point.

The MCU Gets Bloodier Than Ever

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

Deadpool doesn’t do sanitized or coordinated fight scenes. Blood spurts from gunshot wounds. Bodies get sliced apart in 4k. When the MCU confirmed their first Deadpool movie, they unintentionally guaranteed more brutality than they’ve ever shown before.

The new Deadpool 3 trailer lightly delivers on that promise. When Deadpool slams the head of a TVA agent against a rock, blood shoots out. When he whips out his katana, the camera holds steady. Now, let’s see what the MCU can really do.

Deadpool vs. The TVA

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

No one could’ve prepared fans for TVA agents appearing in the new Deadpool 3 trailer. The last time they got involved, Loki (Tom Hiddleston) restored order by becoming the God of Stories. He also returned his friend Mobius M. Mobius (Owen Wilson) to a timeline where he has 2 sons and a 9-5 job.

Loki season 2 showed dissent within the TVA ranks. Many agents had their own ideas about how to manage timelines. These rogue soldiers taking on Deadpool in the new installment won’t end well for them. But it’ll highly entertain the fans.

Wolverine Returns

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Image Credit: Marvel Studios.

The moment we’ve waited for since Reynolds dropped the first teaser confirming Hugh Jackman’s return as the iconic Wolverine has arrived. The Deadpool 3 trailer gave us two minor clips of Wolverine – one from behind and one in silhouette.

Still, fans have been in an emotional tailspin ever since. We want answers but have been pleased to know Wolverine has a significant part to play. Deadpool’s part has something to do with the TVA and Wolverine’s unique timeline within the X-Men Cinematic Universe. But we’ve at least been satisfied until the official trailer drops.

Deadpool 3 hits theaters July 26th.

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