sixteen Movie Concepts That May Have Been a Actually Robust Promote « $60 অলৌকিক মানি মেকার

sixteen Movie Concepts That May Have Been a Actually Robust Promote

Posted On Feb 28, 2024 দ্বারা অ্যাডমিন সঙ্গে মন্তব্য বন্ধ চালু sixteen Movie Concepts That May Have Been a Actually Robust Promote

Some of the most fun, interesting, and troubling movies to watch must have been the hardest to pitch to a production studio. We suspect the creators behind these films had their job cut out for them when presenting their ideas.

1. Face/Off (1997)

Face/Off John Travolta Nicolas Cage
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Paramount HE.

Face/Offbrings together two actors (John Travolta and Nicolas Cage) in ways no other movie had before or has since. The film features the stars’ characters literally switching faces, leading to a movie where both actors are doing impressions of one another in their performances. It’s also just a great action movie, but it’s that face-swapping part that might’ve been a bit difficult to get people on board with.

2. Back to the Future (1985)

Back To The Future Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: ইউনিভার্সাল ছবি.

The absurdity ofBack to the Future is now widely joked about, often in reference toJohn Mulaney’s bit, and it makes sense. It’s a movie that features a teen who is best friends with an old mad scientist and, after traveling back in time, must avoid the advances of his mother. To be fair, the film was rejected by studios for years before being greenlit.

3. The Human Centipede (2009)

The Human Centipede
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Bounty Films.

Can you imagine having to stand in front of a table of producers and reciting plot points for The Human Centipede? In case you’ve been out of the loop, the movie features a psychopathic surgeon who sews three people together hoping to create a viable chain known as the human centipede. You can probably imagine how they’d have to be linked together, so we’re not going to get too much into the gruesome details.

4. Tropic Thunder (2008)

Tropic Thunder Tom Cruise
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: প্যারামাউন্ট পিকচার্স.

It’s not so much that the plot of Tropic Thunder is tough to follow. It’s not at all. But at some point, someone had to look a producer square in the eye and say “Robert Downey, Jr. in blackface” and hope they wouldn’t be screamed out of the room. And if they survive that, they then have to explain that they want Tom Cruise, but bald and with oversized hairy hands. You know, just how the fans like him.

5. Tenet (2020) 

Tenet Robert Pattinson
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: ওয়ার্নার ব্রস. ছবি.

Christopher Nolan has been in love with the concept of time since his debut featureFollowing refused to follow a linear narrative structure. But the height of his affair with time came with 2020’s Tenet, a film that even people who have seen it multiple times can’t quite explain because its sci-fi premise about technology that allows people to move forward and backward in time is so complicated.

Who knows how he could have pitched it? Lucky for him, he’s Christopher Nolan and doesn’t need to pitch his ideas anymore.

6. Eraserhead (1977)

Jack Nance in Eraserhead (1977)
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Libra Films.

David Lynch’s feature debut, Eraserhead, must have been almost impossible to pitch. The film centers on a young man whose girlfriend gives birth to a strange creature that looks more like a baby dinosaur than a baby human. As he struggles to care for the creature, he has several dreams (or visions, possibly) about a woman with a moonlike face who lives in his radiator and sings him songs. It’s a great movie, but it couldn’t have been easy to pitch.


7. Life Is Beautiful (1997)

Life is Beautiful
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Miramax.

Life is Beautiful is a comedy that centers on an Italian-Jewish father and son held in a German concentration camp. It follows the father’s attempts to convince his son that everything around them is part of an elaborate game. That’s right, it’s a comedy that takes place in a concentration camp. How long did it take for everyone to wrap their heads around that one?

8. Happiness (1998)

Happiness Philip Seymour Hoffman
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Good Machine Releasing.

It’s quite shocking that this 1998 movie was ever made, as it tells the strange stories of various people’s intertwining lives, including a man who anonymously harasses women over the phone and an assault survivor who keeps her attacker’s private parts in the freezer. What makes the film even more shocking is that it’s a comedy.

9. Sorry To Bother You (2017)

Sorry to Bother You e1694180475790
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Annapurna Pictures.

Sorry to Bother You is a difficult movie to describe without giving away its most out-there plot developments. But its basic premise is that a Black telemarketer learns he’s far more successful when he puts on a “white voice.”

10. Being John Malkovich (1999)

Being John Malkovich
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: USA Films.

Being John Malkovich must have been a wild movie to pitch, given that it necessitates the involvement of a famous and celebrated actor. And not only that but a celebrated and famous actor willing to make jokes about themselves and deliver an often silly performance. Somehow, all the pieces came together for this movie about a man who discovers a portal into John Malkovich’s mind.

11. My Dinner With Andre (1981)

My Dinner With Andre 1981
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: New Yorker Films.

The premise ofMy Dinner with Andre is simple enough: two men have dinner and conversate about various topics, including theater, spirituality, and life in general. The difficult part of pitching the film would be answering the question, “Why would people want to watch that?” Who knows how the creators answered that question, but people certainly did want to watch it, and it’s become one of the most celebrated and iconic films of the 1980s.

12. Footloose (1984)

Footloose Kevin Bacon, Lori Singer
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: প্যারামাউন্ট পিকচার্স.

Footloose asks the audience to believe that every member of a town council, convinced by their beloved Reverend, would vote to outlaw dancing along with clearly more dangerous and reasonably regulated activities like drug and alcohol use. It’s a simple premise, one that’s easy to communicate, but it’s hilarious that enough people thought it seemed like a reasonable enough premise to make into a movie.

13. Titane (2022)

Titane Agathe Rousselle
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: Diaphana Distribution.

The premise behind Titane is quite simple: a serial killer becomes impregnated by a car. How does one vocalize that with a straight face in front of other people? It sounds insane, but the pitch apparently worked.

14. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954)

seven brides
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: MGM.

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers is a Western musical adaptation of the mythical story of the abduction of the Sabine women in which seven brothers kidnap and force seven women from a nearby town to be their wives. Not a dour musical likeLes Misérablesmind youSeven Brides for Seven Brothers is a spirited, brightly colored, and fun one that features some of the best dancing setpieces ever set to film. How this was pitched, we’ll never know, but it’s even more remarkable that it kinda works.

15. It Follows (2014)

It Follows Maika Monroe
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: RADiUS-TWC.

It Follows is another film with a fairly easy-to-explain premise. There is a sexually transmitted demon that will kill whoever it is currently attached to if it catches them. But it’s such a high concept it’s a wonder anyone took the gamble on making it. Good thing they did, though, because it’s one of the most beloved horror movies of the 21st century thus far.

16. The House That Jack Built (2018)

The House That Jack Built Matt Dillon, Riley Keough
ইমেজ ক্রেডিট: TrustNordisk.

The House that Jack Built follows a serial killer through five different murder sequences, something that’s easy enough to understand as a premise for a film. But its final turn into the supernatural, in which the character follows the Roman poet Virgil through hell à la Dante’s Inferno, couldn’t have been easy to get financiers on board with. For that matter, neither could the content of the murder sequences, which include child murder and detailed body mutilation, and yet, the movie exists.

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