Stevie Wonder Plays Impromptu Acoustic Set During Dinner in S.A. « $60 Miracle Money Maker

Stevie Wonder Plays Impromptu Acoustic Set During Dinner in S.A.

Posted On May 4, 2019 от администратор с Коментарите са изключени На Stevie Wonder Plays Impromptu Acoustic Set During Dinner in S.A.

Stevie Wonder

Back to My Fingertips …

For Impromptu Dinner Set

5/4/2019 2:59 PM PDT


Stevie Wonder pivoted to what he’s perhaps best-known for — his “Fingertips” — while chowing down in L.A. … and it caught a lot of lucky dinner-goers by pleasant surprise.

The legendary musician was dining Saturday night at Skylight Gardens in the Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles, where there was a live gig going on. The mood must’ve struck Stevie, ’cause we’re told at one point … he decided to hop up to get in on the action.

Stevie opted to play what appears to be something similar to a steel guitar, which lies flat and is plucked using one’s fingers. Whatever it is, he definitely knew how to play it — go figure, right?

Eyewitnesses tell us, Stevie and the lead acoustic guitarist went back and forth for an impromptu 35-minute set, playing some of Stevie’s most well-known songs like “My Cherie Amour,” “Superstition” … and even John Lennon‘s “Imagine.”

The guitarist, Nelson Cade III, wrote on IG about the experience, saying … “An actual life changing moment. I’ve officially been granted the affirmation that every artist desperately craves. It was just a Friday night doing what I love, then it turned into a night I’ll always remember.”

We’re told the rest of the dinner guests were in awe of the performance, and a lot of ’em stuck around afterward to take pics with Stevie. Разбира се, Stevie obliged.

Never a dull moment in the City of Angels.

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