Sex Quote – The Tragedy of Sexual Intercourse Is the Perpetual Virginity of the Soul « $60 Цуд Money Maker

Sex Quote – The Tragedy of Sexual Intercourse Is the Perpetual Virginity of the Soul

Posted On Oct 1, 2018 By Abraham Woodhouse With Comments Off on Sex Quote – The Tragedy of Sexual Intercourse Is the Perpetual Virginity of the Soul

Virginity of the soul in this context means the level of innocence within us, which strongly includes our taste and ability to crave or long after some things or substances which may not really be considered as socially okay. This is a sex quote from William B. Yeate. What does he mean by this? Let’s find out.

Actually, this is so deep and inspiring and for a clearer picture and better understanding of this sex quote, we will have to critically analyze it in two sides, the side which considers the situation before sexual intercourse and the side after having sex.

A person who never had sex in his or her Life is not just a virgin in sexual status but also in the soul. What this means is that, the person has no experience and no sense of adventure. This may not be entirely true and some virgins may have watched some pornography, gone through illicit materials, engaged in pervert chats or discussions with friends. Nevertheless, it is not as adventurous as tasting the “forbidden fruit”.

Now, this virgin gets set to experience it for the first time in his or her life and then goes into it with some level of uncertainty despite how well they have known it through the factors earlier mentioned. But once the forbidden fruit has been tasted or even eaten, our Human nature then comes into play which is-we want to eat and taste more of it. A lady has confessed that ever since she had her first sex at the age of 15, she never looked back. A guy who was a virgin and in a relationship for about 4 years experienced his first sex with his girl at the age of 22. Not up to 6 months after this, he broke up with her-why? “She is not really good in bed”-his reason. There are millions of people who are in similar situations, especially teenagers and young adults.

After having an intercourse, we want to have it again and we hoped and wish the next time should be better, more adventurous and pleasurable than the previous. We do not just stop on the basis of wishes and hopes but rather work towards ensuring the next would be better. All these actions bring down the level of innocence we possess within us and hence eat up the virginity of the soul. The more we crave or try to make the next better, the more we make the soul wild (for the married) or corrupt (for the singles). And no wonder, sexual intercourse in our present generation has been abused. People do not find satisfaction in having sex with the opposite gender anymore. They have gone far to have it with same gender and to some this is not even enough. They have craved for pleasure from animals-having sex with dogs and horses, all in the quest to find the zenith of pleasure and hence corrupting the soul.

Well, in order to clear all possible subjects of arguments, such an attribute affecting the soul is a tragedy to both the married and single. The main factor of any variable here should be the individuals. Well, a married man may be tired of the satisfaction he gets from his wife and begin sleeping with his next door neighbor’s wife to get the satisfaction he feels he has not enjoyed. His wife on the other hand can go for an animal. Так, no one is exempted in this. But even as the soul gets more and more wild after every sexual intercourse, we should do our best not to make it a tragedy but rather channel it to better enjoy sex the way it ought to be enjoyed.

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