How Internet Marketing is Like the Gold Rush (however not in a great way)

Posted On Sep 27, 2019 By admin With Comments Off on How Internet Marketing is Like the Gold Rush (however not in a great way)

Many people see internet marketing like the new gold rush.

Easy money they think.

And there are certainly parallels between the two.

The California Gold Rush took place between 1848 and 1855.

In 1848 when the gold find was first announced about 500 prospectors made their way to California.

And you know what?

With few skills and only a pickaxe and a shovel, those prospectors made bank!

But in 1849, 90,000 prospectors made their way to Cali.

Some of them made money. Some of them lost their shirts. Some of them died…

By 1855, over 300,000 prospectors made their way to California.

Those that arrived in California with only their pickaxe and shovel in 1855 were screwed.

The “easy” gold was long gone.

The only prospectors making money in 1855 were the ones with advanced strategies, tools and skills.

Making money online in 2019/20 is no different.

In 2014 when Clickfunnels was launched, the first “funnel builders” made bank!

This was new technology and the audiences at it up.

But today, like in 1855, the landscape has changed. The “Easy Money” is long gone.

Now the only folks making money online are the ones with advanced strategies, tools and skills.

There are no shortcuts or easy buttons.

You can’t just walk along a stream and drop the gold in your pocket like you could in 1848.

Online now you need to build an audience that knows, likes and trusts you BEFORE they will buy from you.

The best way to accomplish that it using and Empathic Marketing Strategy.

In this “One Thing” Masterclass I show you exactly what and how to install an Empathic Marketing Strategy in your business.

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